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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Send petri pics of your wife naked for top discounts, he will also accept naked pics of m.beier.
  2. Go on dino, submit the unedited version ya pussy.
  3. I7 965 and 975 are rubbish processors. Overclocker like crap
  4. This is hilarious PJ Yes we found 47 people You found 4 people supporting you. Even hwbot crew dont support the idea. Where are all these people you keep talking about that wanted this. Let me guess they are too scared to Vote. Im going to leave this thread now with mad we have said all that needs to be said. I hope you see reason with what the community wants.
  5. Cheers for that PJ, So bottom line if I read correctly is, too much work to run pro league and OC cup. There's no following of pro league. You believe that OC cup will create a following. I understand these points very well. Unfortunately the majority of pro overclockers do not share your view that this will create any more of following than the pro league did. We do what we enjoy doing, we have lives, I run my own company that is currently booming and I am working 16 hours a day, a wife and 2 kids leaves no time for competition league, I think you will find many of the pro overclockers feel this way, OC is a hobby nothing more. It's not a career, it's what we do for enjoyment and having the ranking there to show Australia has some of the best in the world encourages the hobby for Australians. Notice we took our names down in favour to represent our country. Surely a better transition and testing of your idea would have been to utilise the already working competition engine with f1oc and see how many participants you get, then look at merging the 2 together. Just our view.
  6. Not really slams, I think you will get the same turn out in pro OC cup with pro league there, people will join the comp if they want to, it should be a comp like the last f1oc was. NO ONE IS SAYING DROP THE OC CUP, it's a good idea, we just want PRO LEAGUE left how it was.
  7. What's really interesting is you have not taken any of the professional overclockers opinions, you have done only what you wanted to do. I think the poll is speaking for itself, this is no longer a community website it's mass mans website. Why would it bother you to keep pro league it doesn't hurt the OC cup ? There is no justification for not allowing it to stay.
  8. Quiet dinos puppet, lol. Hey let's just look at facts of what the community wants.
  9. Well lets start a poll as a community website lets see what the community wants.
  10. Pro oc cup is a great idea, but removing the pro league is an issue. If you believe through messages that removing pro of league is a good idea then act like a community site, start a poll let the community decide to keep pro of league, then honour their decisions. If community want to keep pro co league then keep it.
  11. So where the fuck are we to be placed PJ ? You want to force us to pro oc cup ? We do not want to participate. So we have nowhere to go, you won't let us join xoc because dino works for gigabyte. This is by far not a community website, you make your decisions and do not care at all what input you get, the community says DO NOT GET RID OF PRO LEAGUE, your reply DON'T CARE WILL DO ANYWAY. This becoming a complete joke.
  12. Please move team.au to xoc league we have no desire to compete is oc cup. Our pms go unanswered. Move us now.
  13. Pj i am sorry but seriously do you actually think this can become a spectator sport? Lets be real here weve already seen the death of gooc and moa. why because this shit dont sell and the ROI is crap. We wil never have a following like gamers you are deluded if you think this is a good marketing strategy. Extreme OC is a niche HOBBY it will never be anything more. Reality check desktop mainbards will be obselete in 10 years everything is going mobile. You need to appeal to the mass market bring something and work on enthuisiast league ie gaming benchmarks. Leave extreme oc as it is. It will never be the tool for mass marketing and good ROI. You have now alienated 80% of the extreme overclockers. We are the niche. We wil not make you rich. If you wan traffic start gaming orientated and review material. Extreme OC is not a viable marketing solution. Please dont take this to heart. i really like you as a person and enjoy your company. Your a great guy.
  14. Just for lols is hwbot to a community forum or a dictatorship ?
  15. Hey peiter. Long time no chat. I am runing my own company now so havnt got much time for oc these days. Will only be when we all catch up now. I can tell you pretty confidently that team.au wil not participate in the f1 style oc league. We all have families and real life reaponsibilities that focusing on benching is not a reality for us. I wish you the best with the f1 style league but i doubt it will be as successful as you think. Now we have dreamed for an f1 style comp to return but i believe removing the pro league to make way is not the right way. F1 league should be run seasonally as a competition NOT a league. We will not stop benching regardless what happens here we will continue to bench what we want when we want. We dont define ourselves by a ranking on a website. Just an opinion. We all know you will do what you think is best. Lookong forward to catching up again. Hopefully ill have time to catch up at computex.
  16. Crazy score smoke and slamms epic run, show me 70k bro
  17. Lol maybe aeon can shave your sack to crack.
  18. More like when u wake up at lunchtime sunday and realise you mistook the lube for gc extreme and have grey cock, balls and hand.
  19. Well you will have to provide proof of your TE to admins and they will make the decision. Stop the hostility in here.
  20. Tell futuremark they will fix this
  21. You guys do realize pro TE tweak was completely different and was not a cheat like many people did.
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