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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Yeah been testing, so far one word, JUNK
  2. Lol yeah Asus employee using xfx rubbish. Lol
  3. No Dino22 , pro and me merged accounts into team.au Same with smoke he mergEd with 5 guys to Oclab.
  4. Nothing new there Dino's , we all know you forced sniper to wear it during felatio.
  5. WTF dinos, stop trying to palm your stupidity off on me. HWBOT COP lol you tool.
  6. LOL about time you stopped the sandbagging .........legendry mate
  7. Nice 1 man I'll try break this later, I think u need to include a hashed output, as it seems here photoshop can still fk this up. Generating a hashed output like heaven then upload to bot is only way here. Unfortunately we now need to do this because of douchebags. Need a wprime 1 done too now.
  8. You are wrong. The guy is a fuck head and was well aware.
  9. nice one gyrock, good to see you have time to bench again
  10. massman found his balls of steel WINNING
  11. this benchmark is so broken now, ram drives, everyting is being used now, does pro have to drop 200k to show you how broken it is ???
  12. Heres another by edison.chan this time a 549 point discreptancy http://hwbot.org/submission/2318292_ calculator = 156146 points screenshot = 156695 points
  13. Interesting idea Vivi, but have not seen it as you know how many times we re-run car low and high for that pop and still appears to calculate properly
  14. Can i ask a question and forgive me if I am wrong which is totally possible, my question pertains to the score and the calculation in 3dmark calculator if my maths are correct this score show a massive discreptancy from what should be the score and what is the score the differance is 350 marks off what the calculator has said from elmore.se I see score descretency of a few points here and there but none this large here is my comparison on 3d01 I did. SAV Score in calculator = 161792 Score in screenshot = 161789 3 point descreptancy King pin Score in calculator = 160768 Score on screen shot = 160775 7 point decreptancy Team.AU Score in Calculator = 160979 Score on screenshot = 160978 1 point decreptancy HKEPC Edison chan Score in Calculator = 161703 Score on screenshot = 161354 349 point descreptancy Now maybe this is normal I just have not seen such a big varience if others have then cool no problems, just posing the question.
  15. change "young pro" to "photoshop pro" lol
  16. You Haven't heard of the Photoshop tweak, it's epic I think maybe 0.01sec possible if you tweak twcl aswell.
  17. Lmao, one does not simply master GIMP
  18. this was a great event, just need massman to merge this woth other submits. Team..AU benching, hicookie, dino, sniper oz. Many more to come !!.
  19. The Benchmark is easily skewed, many ways to make BS scores. hence why it has no points. May aswell remove from bot as it serves no real purpose.
  20. I arrive Tommorow lunch time
  21. Lmfao Christian
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