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  1. Great find splavor, no sarcasm really mean it. But from my point of view you should also try running the benchmarks from console since they are java based. You can even pause them (asus has an onboard button for this). By pausing you can bench around 30-50mhz more depenting on cpu and bench. Pause does not work on hwbotprime for some reason but does work on x265.The overall score ia not affected but you can run higher freq since the benchmark is not all one huge load.the only thing affected is the timer but the score from the valitidy point of view is fine in my opinion.It is the first time i wish i was not on vacation to prove myself but this will happen trust me. I think it is good that we as overclockers try and find exploits of benchmarks but we should not be so thirsty of drama.Of course all of my results are open for scrutinizing,so you are free to do that,just do not jump in conclusions...
  2. can't beat SIA for sure... please take your time bro to come back... hehehe
  3. Hipro benching with GPR and Sofos and me drinking their ln2... learnt from the best that's for sure...
  4. Yeap exactly the same...
  5. I managed to istall in Z270 mb and then swap to x299.All good runs great!!!
  6. I have the same problem Mike with all Os's and x299...
  7. Killing it in legacies as always!!!Great job James!!!
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