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Everything posted by $@39@

  1. Hello,can i use giga z170 soc ln2 board for my submissions for this comp?
  2. 2 years on the shelf and i remember telling phil and firekiller that it cannot play 1500 on mem so not worthy... i was soooo wrong
  3. Thanks a lot guys... I had to test the card sooner lol...
  4. We knew we could use more 980's in last stage but i only had a second 980ti at my disposal for a couple of hours and i just could not get the efficiency correct.So tried my best in single card.Cudos to all the teams!!!
  5. Sorry to hear you feel like this dead things. To my perspective and to many others especially country cup is a comp where you get together with your lads (when and if possible) and try to do your best with your hardware.There is no hardware sharing since different cards were used.- We were running until late last night to get our best scores,all to my place and i do not think it is something to be ashamed off... I also saw the Aussies had a BLAST when they met so what is the problem.Or should we ban their scores because cookie was in the meeting they had. We used the best available hardware we could find we did not even bend any rule. ps a pic of the cards we run yesterday. 20161221_175343.jpg - ImageTwist
  6. Not rotary,very old ss with dafnos 6900. Thanks all guys
  7. One quick question about stage 3 (3dmark03) Do we need futuremark link? Do we need to have sys info enabled? If yes can we use at least sys info 4.41 because i cannot use any newer in win xp (even vanilla OS) and get the benchmark going... Thanks
  8. I can bench up to 1100core @ -49-50c but it is on the verge of coldslow so i did not took the chance.cold shutdown can be hardmodded but coldslow is in the bios.i have spent numerous hours trying to find how to properly play with these cards.
  9. Benching temps around -48c. Easy to keep the temp around there but if you overdoit with ln2 you have to startover...
  10. Thanks a lot guys.This is a 3d OS with drivers and all,next time it will be with an optimized for cinebench's OS
  11. I'm not that new... i had been in the top ten of the rankings back in 2010 when there was only one league... Good times... I just started overclocking again.
  12. It's all good,we will rebench it. I have a full out 10200 points score with a 1080 and will rebench it,no need for whinning...
  13. Hello i have problem validating my hwbotprime runs on my phone. The device is a samsung galaxy s7 edge and it runs on exynos 8890 cpu. Can you please fix it so as to submit for challenger division? Thanks in advance.
  14. Thanks a lot guys... Took me long time and lots of ln2 to find out how to max out the cpu...
  15. Thanks a lot guys... Getting back to benching after a looooong time... Really missed it. Yes 1.45 was enough for this gem card and because i had some "misfortune" with an other gem card when pushed hard on g-power i decided to stay low voltage wise.I did not have any more time to test again.All results where done on a single morning.
  16. Great run man... You really deserved first place for sure!!!!
  17. Hats off Strong Island and all the other guys who pushed this little cards. Had very fun benching!!! Although not everything went as planed as it always does. I am in for the ones to come for sure... couple of pics
  18. Konstantinople was known in all over the world because of the byzantine empire. All the emperors had greek names. The most famous building of Konstantinople is the temple of Agia Sophia which name is greek too. Agia Sophia means the holly knowledge of God. You just stole the city and burned it to the ground. You ended the most long living empire of all times destroyning it and then start saying it's yours. But it's not. You did that with all people round you. Your destroying machine of fire and metal did tha same thing 35 years ago in the beautiful island of Cyprus. Now try to open a book and don't try to teach history because you know nothing...
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