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Everything posted by steponz

  1. Let me also point this out... 01/05/06/AM3 All you need is a cpu and any 980ti at the moment... This should be treated exactly like 2d.. because the excuse of having to bin all GPU is completely incorrect. Why isn't it treated so... Why is XTU more important? The real GPU benchmarks that need a serious GPU... Are: 03/Vantage/3D11/Catzillas/FS's so half....
  2. Really wish more people who actually bench 3d participate in these conversations. A guy buying 1 980ti should be able to get a decent amount of points just like a 6700k does in 2d.. Most gamers have cards... that excuse about people don't bench 3d because its too expensive is bs... There should be enticement for doing 3d........ plain and simple.. and there is not based upon how everything is setup on hwbot.. 4 way setups that change with hardware.. say 980 to 980ti... are about worthless.. and should be worth more.. maybe hardware points would be good there..... My major concern is cheaper cards should be worth more point values... make it more like 2D more chances to earn points..
  3. WHat about 4 way scores.. There is not enticement at all to do 3d.. Say I did 980 4 way.. what do I get for such a complicated system nothing....
  4. Guys.. also time think about bring wr points to some of the legacy 3ds as with multiple gpu scores higher again.. I would be nice to see The latest 3 card revisions get some good points. 980ti, 980, 970... Like top global score for 970.. Bring some cheaper stuff... thats what Im trying to get at. or have 4790k with FS. Asking futuremark is not the answer.. Needs to be done here as they have their own direction.
  5. No cooler on chipset? or ln2? Probably dialed in Bios, Seems like elmor has been working out all bugs. Nice work
  6. YES>>>>>>>>> This is the overhaul 3D needs... Cheaper point alternatives... like 2d.... The goal.. Make it cheaper to be able to compete.... more points for this area... You could remove all the points for the tops scores and give it to this area and I would be happy... More competition... You will never be able to take out binned.... You can't prove anything....
  7. Nice... shame its just a cpu benchmark just like all the legacies...
  8. Becareful Alex.. You might get docked points as I did for saying the exact same things about binning.... and the same person.... its a joke.. no more points for me...
  9. Pretty much sums it up.... Very well said....
  10. How is cpu not relevant in FS/FSE/FSU? You need higher cores currently to even remotely be in the top. Whats nice about this benchmark is that you don't need high cpu for GPU score, unlike other benchmarks. Why would futuremark have anything to do with this? There benchmark is great.. Different benchmarks will do different things... Do you want to make them the same? We have different benchmarks for different reasons.. vantage/3d11/Catzillas/FS's they are all quite different... Why would we change FS for anything... don't see the point at all. My point here is....... Allowing lower core amounts to achieve points. 6700k is 4 core 8 threads.. If someone has high gpu score with this low cpu they can't compete. If the benchmark was also done by cores, it would change how many people and who would be able to bench it... because the cost is lower.... because the least amount of cores. The main reason why 3d isn't benched so much is because the lack of good points that people can get. Why submit or even learn 3d when 2d is much easier to do.. meaning the most cost effective.. Why learn something that costs a bit more and can be more difficult... more pots.... different loads... It would be nice to see 3D by cores of CPU and GPU Cores... the hardware points for these could really go much higher.
  11. I still think your missing the whole point of 3D. It should be like how it is with 2D cpu. You should be able to bench skylake for vantage, 3d11... just like doing 5960x for legacies.. and get points. The current platform kills 3d.... People wouldn't have to buy each platform... and get top points... Also the reason why you don't see the latest smaller generation used so much.... doesn't get much points... I personally don't bench for points...... but alot of people do and thats what drives them to bench. Until you fix that piece, nothing you do will change 3d and will eventually make it obsolete. I bench for fun... not for rank.... thats what ruins oc.
  12. It's a little late.. should have done this last year. Some benchmarks should be excluded from this as they are cpu benchmarks and pretry much no gpu. Pretty easy to tell which ones. Not too mention the point system just doesn't make sense. I'll still drop my points.
  13. Could be your imc.. try different chips.. For me the E die were stressing my imc more.. different chips different results.
  14. Little girl arms...hahahaha... nice man.....
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