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ShaggySVK last won the day on July 13 2021

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  1. Nice improvement with new driver :) Managed to get to fullpot with it?
  2. Check if you have another screenshot with CPU-z mem tab being shown (3x cpu tab)
  3. Thank you broski's :) @loud, man can only agree, this thing ain't easy at all but was fun torture sesh :)) there is some more in it hopefully just wont be easy to get :D
  4. Thanks broski! Yeah the short was luckily just under the caps, not under vcore plate so was pretty quick fix on stream :)
  5. Great work! Looks like uwu pot made some magic there :)
  6. socket and mem slots are all mint, washed those out multiple times with contact cleaner, no residues there.
  7. Dude, I spent half a day rewashing that board and its still somehow a regenerating new layer of vas on surface everytime you heat it up :D
  8. only thing that seemed to drop the CB a little was IVR TX, that got me from -165 to around -180c but very unreliable
  9. SA didnt seem to really help if i added over 1.4v from 1.25 being sweetspot for cascade(-100c), will try dropping below 1.2v and see if that gains me anything. Oh low mem clocks including JEDEC havent influenced the CB.
  10. @george FLL was set to ratio OC, @seby Lockups only, no BSOD or shutdown, VCCIN only tried between 1.8 and 2.1v (seemed like it was getting worse with more, though might have been condensation at that point
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