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Everything posted by Bobnova

  1. Tried to put myself into the XOL (Pro league? Xtreme pro? Whatever, the top one), but while it saved it in my profile it didn't actually move me. Mostly I just wanted to see where I'd be without having to manually find my 15 best and so on.
  2. I didn't see that part coming.
  3. Brilliant! That explains how I'm going to get a slim on this 8600 low profile thing.
  4. Very impressive Deanzo! Nice to see the top spot taken by a reference instead of a classified or something.
  5. 8400 (g98) 128mb, voltmodded, with a Super Socket7 K6-2 cooler. Drilled some holes, used my drill as a mill to make room for a cap, plastic bolts. Worked great!
  6. That wouldn't be fair to gigabyte
  7. I'm pretty sure I hate you now. Just so you know. Quite a find there! (I can't really hate you)
  8. I think I see why HWBot is non-profit now Sure 240l is going to be enough?
  9. Are delays ever foreseen? I mean, if you knew a delay was coming, wouldn't you just put the date somewhere later?
  10. Not that it matters that much as I managed to beat them anyway after posting about them. Still, they're in the wrong place
  11. The following results should be in a 8400 GS category, as shown in GPUz in the screenshots: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1041246_ http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1041285_ http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1041244_ Should I flag them as well as posting here, or is posting here enough? There's nothing wrong with them other than being in the wrong category. Thanks!
  12. That sounds like a positive change. I'm excited, regardless! Ideally OCF isn't one of the teams that gets dumped out of the top20 and I get bumped into the top 150...
  13. My 2600K just hates 32m (actually anything larger then 4m) at high ram frequencies. It behaves exactly the same with two different kits of hypers as well as a kit of PSC stuff.
  14. You're a bit late Barton, Mr. Scott already laid out that he's using Mr.Paco's card. Isn't this a clear cut case? Sharing hardware for points is illegal, plain and simple. If you're both/all submitting 3d benches with the same 3d card in the same bench and getting HW points out of it, that's breaking the rules for HW sharing. If you're only submitting for the contest and not getting any points it's a gray area. Given the wording of the rules it's illegal, as the rules talk about "submissions" rather then "submissions for points". I personally have no issue with this though, it's a team contest after all! Honestly though I doubt anybody will do anything regardless, enforcing rules doesn't seem to be HWBot's style lately.
  15. Whether there is enough evidence depends on the court here in the US. If it's a criminal court you need proof beyond reasonable doubt. This fails. If it's a civil court you need "clear and convincing evidence". This has data that is pretty clear and convincing to me, identical GPU clocks simply isn't going to happen down to the mhz, especially not at a speed that doesn't end in 0 or 5. Of course, the good old i7 950 wp1024m rankings are the same way more or less, four guys from the same team within 1mhz of each other, and that was quietly swept under the rug. This being the HWBot court, where it takes....... actually I don't know. If the ruling that was handed down to dejo/daughter was enforced this would be an open and shut case, as would the 950 rankings, and many others. Naturally it's not being enforced, for some reason or another.
  16. Same GPU clocks down to the mhz in the same (3d) bench does look suspicious. Massman did say that anything that might look suspicious had to be avoided at all costs during the dejo/daughter fiasco. Here we have the second of third suspicious looking thing since then, the first was ignored completely, looks like this will be too. Maybe the difference is that this does look suspicious. I can't say I really care that much as the rules have been followed here with pics. The part that torques me is that dejo and his daughter were told that pics would not help their cause and it was "suggested" that they merge (or be banned, creative use of "suggestion", and yet here we have equally suspicious results, maybe even moreso really, and a pic is fine?
  17. Please stream something at least! A notebook with a built in camera could be carried around on battery power, that beats the hell out of nothing!
  18. This made my UD4 feel like a brand new, far better, mobo. It likes my hypers a bit better too!
  19. YES! Thank you! Reset button after GPU crash causing false "Failed CPU OC" measures and five reboots before I can enter bios has been driving me nuts. Hopefully this fixes that! I would be very, very, very happy!
  20. I guess I'm special. So special I forgot you'd already posted it
  21. How bout the CUSL2-C? No video, no sound, OC features. World's First?!
  22. Crazy, no wonder Intel changed plans for 586 and beyond. I didn't know there were that many people with 486 clones!
  23. Nice pics! Man did I hate those cyrix chips. Ran hot, ran slow, ran cheaper... What's that IBM chip in there?
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