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Everything posted by Bobnova

  1. lol, I love it.
  2. That's two moderators with PC05 subs lacking stuff in the rules thread now.
  3. I thought black screen + high FPS = bugged run. Is it allowed now?
  4. lol, a 9800 CPU score with physx on a 580? No. That's a dual core wolfdale type CPU score! There's a PPU checkbox in vantage options for those who don't want to disable physx system wide.
  5. Lots. And lots. And lots.
  6. Its right here, in the first post of the clarifications, it even has a "since this date, this is required" line: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=59009 It's in the main rules page now, too. I'll even quote it for y'all:
  7. That'd be a rev1. Rev2 is aluminum. My tek9 (anodized top) leaked like a sieve, I put some clear silicone RTV on the seam inside and out, works great now.
  8. Hell of a score, I want to see the backups with higher GPU clocks! Rig pic doesn't match the HW description though. Those aren't NEX1500 PSU cables by any stretch of the imagination.
  9. Ahh I want one of those Venoms. Used a friend's Venom, very nice pot, that.
  10. Bobnova

    The Fail

    rofl. Now THAT is creative. If it makes you feel better I tinned some random 10pin chip on a 7300le, guess I noticed in time that it wasn't the brains...
  11. How is this result still here when it clearly violates the rules in the official thread? Others have been held to the rules in that thread and other threads. Hell half the HWBot rules are or were only in threads, despite being enforced rapidly.
  12. They leak LN2 sometimes too, watched a livestream where a guy ended up with LN2 all over his board when the gemini leaked. The GPU pots leak acetone, too.
  13. It's the chat with other overclockers that I really like.
  14. Welcome to our world. The official rules pages have little meaning, you have to read every single post of every single thread on the forum to actually know the real rules. EDIT: There's a list of the TW caps for single / dual / triple / quad core chips around here somewhere. Last I heard anything over the cap was considered cheating.
  15. Hope you paid for fast shipping.
  16. Might want a fan, too.
  17. Atom CPUs can be had with Nvidia ION chipsets and dual channel ram.
  18. Both the Z77-UD5H and the Z77-UP4 couldn't run XMP timings on my 7-10-7 ripjaws. Needed 8 CAS. Never did figure out what the problem was. Other z77 boards (ASRock professional, TZ77XE4) could do it fine. One other couldn't (asrock extreme6) and needed the same +1 CAS. Just a heads up really as both boards have been rage-sold at this point
  19. Interesting, totally different.
  20. Not on the official rules page, is it?
  21. Point out where that is in the official, updated, rules page please: http://hwbot.org/news/881_application_9_rules/
  22. CPUz work correctly?
  23. I agree with this. Heavily.
  24. Nvidia takes revenge for AMD's drivers eating 3d11 alive
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