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Everything posted by Bobnova

  1. There's a time delay. If you upload more than one in a given number of minutes (5-15 I think) the others don't register. You have to space 'em out. It's annoying.
  2. Have fun with the CM PSU prizes! http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/Cooler-Master-eXtreme-Power-Plus-550-W-Power-Supply-Review/969/9
  3. Yeah, the higher the vcore the higher AUTO sets the loadline, at least on the UD5.
  4. That's not a UD7, not enough inductors. Chinese knockoff?!
  5. I have yet to see the form populate with the HW info in the data file, even when it lists it in text above the HW input boxes. It'd be nice to have the auto-populate function for competition results too.
  6. Holy crap. This is awesome. THANK YOU! Brightened my day right up
  7. I'm submitting a stack of scores at the moment, and want to say that I really like the new(ish, anyway) system for choosing manual entry or populating with previous scores. Not really much to say beyond that, but I was appreciating it so I figured I'd let y'all know. Thanks!
  8. The only ECS board I've had I rather liked. That was a G31 775 board though. More recently then only interaction I've had with ECS is trying to fix or at least figure out what is killing the dozen or so ECS made (so says current wisdom) Asus designed MVGs OCF has killed.
  9. Sooo, does this also mean that the batch file setup to swap drive letters around for each HDD test is a cheat now too? If flashdesktops is a cheat that means every top global score is cheated, right? This is a large change, if it can actually be enforced I like it!
  10. I love the rig picture. Nice score too
  11. It takes time though. $8/hour or more here in the US if you can find someone willing to do it that actually has legal papers. Far, far, far, far, far, far, far less over there. Plus over there your factory doesn't need all those pesky anti-pollution devices either.
  12. "Samples - No Commercial Value (Unless I sell them)"
  13. 312ms is all I've got. Don't really have time to delve into the ram subtimings sadly.
  14. Not going to stop till Andre's at #2 worldwide, are you? Do it to it! If you livestream it, people will be excited
  15. Obscure enough that CPUz detects it as a TWKR If it wasn't you I'd be reporting it to I'd be inclined to report it as insufficient proof. I thought the 4xx was for Athlon II chips though. Where did you find that thing? Loot AMD HQ or something?
  16. Hilarious. And so true.
  17. Nice! So much for LHe eh? What pot is that?
  18. I'm not talking about the validation. I'm talking about the SS. Twice in the last few pages a SS with ES in it or not in it was mentioned as a form of proof. Not a validation, a screenshot.
  19. That's only half of it. The other half you mentioned was SS of 6.8GHz spi32m runs. Knop talked about GPUz SS ES bits too. EDIT: Like I said though, I think y'all are doing the best job you can in a world of very little actual evidence.
  20. I feel obligated to point out that other than a validation file, a CPUz window is woefully easy to add or remove ES from with MSPaint. Same for GPUz and ES. The clocks require more care, especially GPUz as there an awful lot of numbers, but the name and ES/non-ES would be very easy indeed. I personally have a very hard time seeing a screenshot of ES/non-ES being worth much, the only argument that it helps is the one about how much work it takes to gain 1s being excessive. I don't really have issue with the final judgement from the HWBot staff, as they're in a terrible position of having to make a judgement without any concrete evidence at all. It's all circumstantial evidence at best, in both directions.
  21. I need to swap OS's, that entry was on my daily system with a bit of in-windows OCing to hunt for the right clocks. This weekend I'll probably have a chance to take a bit of time off of reviews and attack it a bit.
  22. It was a GF2 class I think, an Ultra that GPUz read as GTS. Our guy may have deleted it or a mod may have (finally) approved it after it was replaced with a better one.
  23. We had a submission that sat, reported and un-moderated, forwell over a month as well. We finally replaced it with a better one in the last couple weeks of the GF comp, it still hadn't been moderated.
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