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Everything posted by miker2ka

  1. I'm paying with an 2080ti and i have very low fs x score. Should be hitting around 18k+ and i'm at 15k. Tried different drivers with clean install, tried on daily os and on bench os. I diled back the oc, just in case it wasn't stable, but scores went down as well . Any ideas?
  2. Did any of the you who have 4800c14 sticks tested if it works with higher maxmem? Like 5000 or 6000?
  3. @dumo have you tried bios 033 with A2 dimms? any particular reason you use 0905?
  4. Finally, i figured it out. It wasn't bios or board that limited my ram, it was cooling. My ram doesn't like room temps above 21C. With 21C and a delta on them, voila :
  5. Anybody tested bios 1005 on apex? It seams to perform worse on my a1 kit.
  6. 103 bclk seams that farfetched to you? I used 103 on crappy non k skylake cpus and on 8400 and 8700k. I thought it was resonable to asssume that 9900k would have no problem with 103.
  7. Looking for ab good a2 kit that can do 4266 12.11.11 1t GB 3 on air and on apex 11.
  8. Got some issues... got error vcruntime140.dll missing.... somehow i mannaged to run gpupi but after restart i could not boot anymore... disk error. i forced a repair on win7 now i can boot but i get biocredprov.dll error + vcruntime140...
  9. Any hope for a mod to run 6th and 7th gen cpu on maximus 11? For those of us who can't afford to keep multiple platforms?
  10. So 50+ hours of reruns ... gone with just a new version...
  11. Win 64 or 32? That rly sucks that a new version scores better.... that means that all current non k scores will fall
  12. Seams 743 is no longer top score. Maybe the new scorrers can share how they succeded? @D@R3 @ksateaaa23
  13. Wrong score man for ranking, for Gskill OC 2019 you should disable ranking
  14. And i thought you need to score to all stages to qualify for the lucky draw... lol me... congrats dabestarrr
  15. i know, but it scores lot better... What it the tightest latency that can be run without maxmem?
  16. Great that i can use my cpu, now i only have to find GPU
  17. Yes same behavior in win 10.... with cpu @ 5300 and no maxmem i score 19+. With maxmem and 4133c12 i score rarely over 18 The biggest issu is when using overkill mode... with maxmem
  18. Win7 . The one shared by websmile. But the problem is only at 4k.
  19. I know, i use 4000 also, but on my setup is just not enough for x265 4k. With maxmem 4000 i get lower scores than with no maxmem and "normal" ram settings
  20. I tried 5000 but i can.t boot with 12.11.11. Whith loose timming and no maxmem it works fine. Any ideea how to make 3866-4000 c12 boot into win without maxmem?
  21. Does running 4k needs additional services, or smthing? I ran on 9900k 5300 and apex 11, the 1080p score seams inline with other benchers obtained, but at 4k i'm way off. I test on win 7 and win 10. At 4k i should be getting 19+ and average run si 17... link to my 1080p run: https://hwbot.org/submission/4136421_ At 4k with overkill mode most of time doesn't even starts, and i tried to lower frequency to 5100 but the issue persists.
  22. If i find a gpu worthy of this competition can i use a 9900k with 4 cores active?
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