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Everything posted by miker2ka

  1. Correction, unlike the gene or extreme the dimm.2 module on apex is linked the the PCH not CPU.
  2. Yes, i think it's because of the svid enabled, can't run offset voltage with svid disabled. And the slow reset i think it's because of the high ram speed, it's the first time i used such high speeds for daily.
  3. Apex 11 for daily . (9900k @ 5000 offset voltage, RAM 4400 C19) What i have noticed: - restarting takes too long - getting into OS from sleep takes too long - running prime95 for stability test i've noticed that while cpu keeps 5000 on all cores sometimes one or two cores drop to 4700. ( non avx prime95) Anyone else noticed that, and maybe knows a fix?
  4. Any idea why hwbot is incredible slow on firefox?
  5. For ambient gene is enough. And if you use it for daily use and have more than 1 nwme, i would go for gene. You can use the m.2 from pch. On apex if you put 2 nwme on dimm.2 your pcie slot will run x8.
  6. Mine arrived today. The VRM is overkill for ambient OC. After few CB15 runs with 9900k @ 1.35v the vrm heatsink was cold. From what i can see without removing the heatsink it's a twin 8 phase for vcore.
  7. Does bios 805 fix this issue?
  8. I think there is no interest in working on a xp compatible bios, so i doubt that we will see one.
  9. Mine will arive next week, but i saw that it has no video port so no IGPU, could be a massive twin 8 for vcore.
  10. Can anyone who has Apex XI tell us the VRM configuration ?
  11. This means that HT is not working for now, but i'm sure it will work soon.
  12. So the 020 bios for h2o works just like 1003 bios except you dont have to use ln2 switch when pushing ram?
  13. Shouldn't everyone with max score get 40.3 points?
  14. 200E seamns fair for MB, no ideea about CPU, depends how good it is.
  15. Well done. Any idea if apex works for 6700 too?
  16. How long does it take to migrate points after changing league? I've been moved to enthusiast for 12 hours now and still no points.
  17. congrats... hope more will join this club to make it 49.9 points
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