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Everything posted by zzolio

  1. I have a friend that do use ss for a gaming system
  2. In Denmark the shops will ban you if you bin a lot of CPUs this way but a few is not an issue
  3. it's probably my fault just ordered four more yesterday
  4. I have forgot about that I will try making one this weekend If I forget again just pm me onto I get it done
  5. No one is saying you have to bench lighting cards Just bench a 5870 ref and use abx1.5 xtrem can set 1.6v and abx 1.5 can be found easy with Google
  6. I Will make a mod guide for you to Day if i have time
  7. Flight and hotel has been booked
  8. here is one http://www.ebay.de/itm/Intel-Core-i7-4770K-Tray-/161592451729?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item259fa92291
  9. why do you get so many points for the Gskill cup?
  10. they never expire but are not sure that all competitions from 2012 should be counted but the problem is probably that it has not Update the point jet
  11. it may be some of your old Competition points do not count because they are too old
  12. there are only 2 I bought Nanok's cpu several years ago when I started to bench nanok has found a new cpu but is not tested jet
  13. yes you just need to screw some more on the VR
  14. mods test on ln2 and are working fine
  15. I hope that some of the moa participants will test their cards now that I've made some easier mods
  16. nice chip Dancop I hope it likes ln2
  17. take high-resolution pictures of the controllers for Vgpu and Vmem and a large picture of both sides of the pcb without heatsinks
  18. mod guide ready http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=343437#post343437
  19. MSI GTX 980 Gaming 4GB (non reference PCB) all mods are test on air and ln2 and are working Vgpu mod OCP mod Vmem mod Vpll mod Cold slow mod power limiting mod With this Vgpu mod you can use bios from all manufacturers Keep an eye on Vmem voltage if you change the bios. With some bios the memory only get 1.4V. The card can run with it but can't overclock much. If you use a bios that provides 1.4V then the memory gets 1.6V when you are in the bios so be careful when modifying the Vmem voltage if not using MSI bios To new overclocks remember to change the resistance on the Variable resistor until there is maximum resistance between the two pins you are using
  20. vmod guide is going to be ready today I hope
  21. Yes but i don't have time befor monday
  22. I think the problem was that the pot was mounted too tight at MOA but last year there was something strange
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