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Everything posted by zzolio

  1. no just testet with water cooling still waiting for a new ABX with more core clock range
  2. no you can't read OCP level and I use moa bios
  3. it works it dos shutdown when applying low ocp level like 100A
  4. sorry I forgot to test the OCP 'll try to remember it tomorrow
  5. cant you get an ABX from msi
  6. then evc is a no go for now
  7. there is no danger but you can check out the vrm controller they used it should be chl8318 for vcore
  8. try 780L profile
  9. I can not go this year I need to be in school and prepare for exams have fun guys
  10. You must not tighten the screws hard otherwise you lose speed
  11. I hope they make worldwide qualifier like B class last year this way the competitions is fair to all and they make a B class again
  12. it is a system issue had it myself at MOA 1700Mhz wall with the msi cpu's with my cpu i can go 2K/2K
  13. are you sure you card is 560TI and not 560TI 448 cores it has 1280MB ram
  14. if i have time i will test this weekend I need to pick up ln2 tomorrow anyway
  15. it is possible to get OCP disable for chl8318 I can scan my Epower and then change ocp with EVbot and then scan again I'm not sure I can disable the OCP with EVbot I can set it to extreme which is probably the highest that can be set via the I2C bus is there anything else you need?
  16. lol you edit your post max Vcore with Epower and evc is 2.3V there is an OCP limit I do not think it will be a problem with the 275GTX you can disable OCP with EVbot
  17. no the I2C is not connected to the GFX
  18. VGA output or what?
  19. most regulator use that name you can always Desoldering the VRM controller if you have problems
  20. pin45 is VR ready
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