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Everything posted by GENiEBEN

  1. They can have the pricelist, I'll have the parts, thanks!
  2. Interesting, the first one it shouldn't even get points as he has a better score with that card already.
  3. Fixed them all, it was indeed a bug, but AFAIK it was fixed a while ago (last 0 was always trimmed).
  4. Select PNG or use 2.55.
  5. We need a "DOWNLOADS" section on site.
  6. Must have CPUZ/GPUZ windows as well.
  7. I've blocked his 7970 before, it's damn VIRTU.
  8. Please take a screenshot for me, like this example:
  9. Ok, will order that card. Figured out the Win2K issue, it's basically Microsoft limiting the support for VC++ 2010 to XP SP2 and newer. If you're dedicated to W2K, find msvcr100.dll instead of using the installer and then use KDW on it. Also found a bug in 2.54, DO NOT USE SCREENSHOT JPG OPTION under Windows XP / 2003. Will release one final version this year, and then start working on an alternate build for Win98/W2K It's a bug of VC 2008 redis. I can not upgrade to 2008 SP1 tho as it might break OpenSSL.
  10. @trodas I will will try to buy some old cards to test (oldest I have right now is a Gf3Ti200) and see what the problem is. Btw, please do all the testing on 2.54 so I can rule out the localization bugs. Can you also send me the log.txt created by wrapper (v2.54 only)? Send me one of the files to check it.
  11. Why not start a thread and post them for everyone?
  12. Localization bug was fixed, upgrade your copy to 2.54. 2.25 scores are no longer eligible since September.
  13. Funny that I was using it as a daily hooked to the 26" screen, but I didn't when I was benching it lol. FAIL.
  14. No, but I put the bugs on priority as that button is just a nice feature.
  15. The only way to get it working on 98/ME/2K is to either use a really old Qt Framework (v4.2) or use Microsoft's old VC6. And then I wouldn't be able to use the encryption features as those don't work on such old OS either.
  16. Damn wide screens, it was an 1600x900 on that laptop.
  17. Dunno what the default resolution is supposed to be, but everyone has 1280x800 so I guess that is the default one.
  18. Please include CPUZ/GPUZ windows.
  19. I don't know about the rest of staff, but all I can say is relax and empty all the bottles of alcohol you could find as it is Xmas! Bottles with missing labels will NOT be reported....
  20. Updated the download link on first page with final 2.54.109. I will only take bug reports from this version. If your card only works under Win98 then do it the old way with screenshot only, and contact me.
  21. Send details to any moderator of your choosing, as this method is suspicious to say the least.
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