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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. This is a misconfiguration sorry, Sandy Bridge-E was not meant to be part of this Division. I'll inform Richbastard to add the restriction when trying to submit with SB-E CPUs. Sorry GnXhelios I'll have to remove you from the competition
  2. Not even gonna try to do the same as you what you did for the BOT Michael...It will be a very rough ride in 2018, not sure if I have the energy and motivation to make it all happen. You will be dearly missed, too many changes at all levels, all the things that were achieved seem to fall apart at an insane pace...
  3. I don't have any admin rights for compos, only a moderator...
  4. Division IV and V are not amd exclusive - they have same GPU pattern like I and II because ryzen is good enough to bench also NVidia now
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/av3w0kamos75fgq/road-to-pro18-r3-d1.jpg?dl=0 Isn't this usable ?
  6. Not good, expect back up score galore... Sorry I can not find myself in this decision... I have no clue what the competitors find about this but I would strongly advise to use a new background
  7. Leeghoofd


    yeap he is the only that has access to it, we have to wait, just do your scores, make a valid screenshot and submit once the issue is fixed
  8. Leeghoofd

    mobo cleanup

    Soc force reserved for skullstation
  9. realtime, good memory and the right OS and run re-run run
  10. Richbastard is creating a new forum sir, with all the current content ready... hence why the community forum is down and no longer in use...
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