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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. well if everybody scores 1471, how on earth can you do 1480+? Is it automatically a cheated score? not sure... Under cold XTU is way more consistant in output than on air or water, yet I rather see a lower point distribution and removal of most of them over the top subs...
  2. I vote for adding a proper screenshot too, maybe just excuse the Rookie class from that. Makes moderating a bit easier too
  3. depends if you need to remove the cooler yes or no right
  4. Nope consider it is a build in protection for the GPU, Buildzoid and Der8auer have made some nice articles about it. Only way to circumvent that power limit is to do a shunt resistor mod, voiding your warranty again...
  5. so your testing shows it is not the memclock making it fail, it is the core clock. Try +80 core clock and mem at +1000 and see if it passes all the time... like mentioned each benchmark stresses the gpu differently, so it could be it passes one benchmark at +110/1050 and onother one only at +90/1000.
  6. CPu-Z leest altijd 16GB uit of 32GB uit maar soms droppen die borden een kanaal en dan ben je gezien kwestie score
  7. I vote for latest version only as from today....
  8. Thanks for the heads up Griff, appreciate that :celebration: So for 2018 competitions (not only Team Cup) you guys would love to see: -in due time hardware requirements -different backgrounds per stage -different finishing times per stage -implement a points reward for the leader ranking at a defined moment during the compo -avoid that multiple competitions end at the same time (server stress) -only exotic MARS and ARES cards for the collectors I was thinking of proposing to the compo designer: -a Xeon round (seems so popular) -imposing a limitation on cores (max 12-14 cores, to lower cost) Did I forget something ?
  9. just re-test firestrike with eg +100 core clock and only +950 mem clock. if that passes you know, it is the memory on the gpu holding back the card in that test. Continue testing till you find the max for your card. I usually test first max stable core clocks. Than add the memory into the mix. Remeber that each benchmark stresses the card differently, so one needs to find different operational aka stable values per benchmark. OC is all about logic debugging
  10. first thing we need to adress is the availability of the hardware list, preferably at least 2-3 weeks before compo starts. So competitors can search fleabay and co to get the required hardware. How did you guys like it this year? less exotic requirements fopr motherboards, CPUs and co. Even some stages could be perfectly done on just water/chilled cooling setups
  11. I'm the team captain, it might sound bunnybirdy but I call the shots and determine the submission strategy. The sandbagging is my weapon of choice. However this implies that a constant monitoring of your team members is required and a lot of time goes into planning, preparation who can join team sessions, who buys what hardware,... I go full specialbunny for the duration of the competition and want my teammates to reach set targets. Everything is updated in online docs and evaluated day by day. Though this year we had a long outage due to my broken ribs and medical condition (+/- 4 weeks lost) hence why some scores were last minute and not as good as anticipated. Me and Oldscarface were still benching thursday evening. Served on friday evening, though he couldn't improve. In total over 750L of LN2 was used, sadly 2 dead 7700Ks, 2 x 4870, 1 x 8800GTX, 1 x GTX 285 Matrix, 1 x DFI Ultra D, 1 x X2 4800+ went up in smoke. Imagine the toll on my beloved wife and kids is insane. At my place almost each nite sessions in the garage with 1 or 2 mates (food, beer no charge). No family time at all as sessions lasted till 2-3 o'clock in the morning If anyone suggest we did it for the prizes, well we also approached it the same manner as last year (with no prizes!) Eternal fame on the internet for the win! Glad to close this chapter with a win, though it doesn't feel like one with all the extra commotion. Hence my taken decision. I'll go full specialbunny in moderation now and will try to be as good as Websmile. And future competitions will need a change, I like the idea of seperate time limited stages, other backgrounds and co. I take any competition serious, maybe too competitive. bunny on me and the way I ran things within the team, I don't give a flying hoot. However accusations at the adress of Websmile or HWBOT I do not appreciate at all. We do it all for free and people tend to forget that it is a hobby, a passion and only for the happy few a bussiness. I'll follow the thread for pointers to improve future competitions Alby out
  12. Once when you bench competively you will notice that mostly those that report, fail to beat your score. This act had nothing to do with fair play lol Anyway I wish you all the best, have fun!
  13. easy when you submit maybe two scores... amused that our italian friends found at least one partner in crime, while failing themselves to abide to them rules... Wisdom of the day: 8pack told me once, why do people report my scores ? Why don't they just beat them?
  14. Well I had a lot of time to reflect on the way back from the Gaming Conference. I was not sure if I would write this or not. Madshrimps never expected to win, All I hoped for was top three. Me and Oldscarface lost quite e subtantial amount of hardware ( 2 awesome cpus, motherboards and a few memory kits over the last month. Hardware that we cherished and that can't be replaced by a memory kit or PSU. There is no special treatment involved as some think. However if plain logic can't prevail in this expensive hobby we have a big issue. Anyway I asked Websmile to pull my 4800+ Cinebench scores saturday nite and even asked him to pull the reported 06 score by Mickulty. This to silence the drama queens and get on with life. For the rig pictures we interpreted it indeed as someone pointed out before as a polite request. Compare the "Plz post a picture of your rig" with the rules laid down for the current ASUS ROG showdown2. I hope one can understand the differences in meaning. The latter imposes exactly what has to be displayed in the screenshot and detailed specs of the required setup picture. Well some might insinuate we used it as a loophole, well I can tell you none of the old nor new OCers of Madshrimps is like that. We posted similar "rig" setups for the last competitions, nobody made any remarks. Till now... Big question is how can we avoid a drama of this level without cutting back on prizes? Well I took the decision to no longer take part in any competiton due to being a staff member of HWBOT. This will have a huge impact on my team as I'm the central figure for organizing stuff. So be it. Thus no more special treatment for Leeghoofd. In fact what annoys me the most is that I honestly thought I earned more respect over the years than the drama and accusations that have been pointed at me or my team in the last 24hours. Seems I'm a selfish old fart that manipulates competitions and moderators for my own well being. At this moment I'm still completely gutted by the current ongoing act and I can only refer to it as immature behavior of some I considered as being one of our respected community members. In fact this act was one of them stigmas HWBOT tried so hard to get rid off during competitions. Greed is a vicious monster. Outcome will be that there will be an internal debate for upcoming competitions, the imposed rules and prizes. A charade of this magnitude has to be avoided at all cost. Isn't it insane how a few persons can disrupt a fun compo and turn it into a nitemare for myself and Websmile, one of our most devoted HWBOT moderators. A huge thumbs up to Michael who spends hours and hours trying to keep it all together. For your info moderating is insanely time consuming, add the usual drama and the icing on the cake is our super responsive E-sports page. I think you get the picture that we loose several hours daily. I have nothing more to add that I'm pretty dissapointed in quite a few people. They prolly don't give a damn about it, but I do care about our community. Believe it or not. Greetz Alby
  15. Well enlighten me what you don't get in this post from Webmsile...
  16. Nope it is 4 x 8GB, I'll take some screenshots next week, I'm at a gaming conference atm
  17. Can you translate plz in Italian too ? Sigh man, this reporting has just ruined my dinner with some good friends...
  18. secret tweak, no working system piccie= +2K score, try it you will luv it...
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