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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. How did you guys get the monitoring to work on Ryzen ? we only managed to readout via this temp package? Intel is as usual no problem...
  2. Well guys we had this setup running in the shop (hence the same background) were we had a small workshop with the rookies (people from the shop itself). For your info the same mobo to clock the memory (CH VI), mem, gpu and OS was used (as we had no clue how to get them temp readouts working.) The clocking itself was done by these persons (not that Ryzen is difficult on air). If you look at the earlier submissions by eg Jastas you can see he was running his daily 6700K( XTU score), though this score was not be enough to compete in Stage 1 nor 2. So we organized a session at the shop to get up with the other Ryzen scores. Heck I even drove off to a few members to help them to get it all dialed in and working right before Computex. During Computex we constantly checked our scores and ranking, motivating people to rebench. Admirably 12AX was still benching his X48 with Oldscarface a few hours before the deadline. edit: Ow yes maybe I forget too reply too the 0.576 Voltage... really guys... Maybe the slow pi time explains he is still a real Rookie that relies mainly on clocks than tweaks...
  3. Delid is required anyway... just be realistic and aim for 5ghz daily...
  4. Guys lighten up, plan is too move forwards and not create internal additional issues or more drama than what is needed. Franco ShockG is Neo Sibeko, Dude Alfonso relax... have a Limoncello, make that two
  5. Well Marc, the gathering was not private, but that was on friday-sunday. Too bad the people from Taitra still had the sign at the ground floor on monday, even though the gathering was over. Monday that first secret event (you know why ofcourse) to allow the mainboard partners to show their high end gear. No media at al was allowed besides the ones from that particular processor company. Hence why the whiteboard was outside... Similar to monday evening for the Helium event. A max amount of spots, determined again by the organizing partners. NDAs had to be signed... I agree we are in need to make it as public as possible, but for the risk of leaks, things got really limited... and this is not always related to HWBOT. Sell out... dunno, next year visit the HWBOT office and see all the luxury they are working in... you might be surprised...
  6. lo mate , any chance to post a X265 score for the ASUS team competition. We need Ryzen scores Link here: http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/rogocs17_teamedition/3667/x265_4k_benchmark thx already
  7. Try to deinstall XTU sir. Do you know how to OC from the bios ? Maybe raise Vcore a little bit to stabilize them settings
  8. This is sadly modern benching, where one needs to have several OSses ready to have fun. Depending on your CPU type and architecture some benchmarks still need to be run on older OSses (Win7 or lower) For your info HyperPi loves lots of memory
  9. F22 should do the trick, worked fine here at 3333C12 here with the 3600C17 Gskill kits
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