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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. They can be added, though if they don't sponsor their name will not pop up in the submissions.
  2. You sure all vaseline is revomed ? Only thing I can think off is to clean the socket and dimm slots with some contact cleaner.
  3. 4.5Ghz is plenty of power man, did you also OC the 1080TI ?
  4. mmm that's weird when I open the screenshot, I see a white cutout of a e.g. cpuz window.


    will crosscheck on another PC this evening



  5. Lo mate, always submit 2D scores manually, don't pick via the XTU profile (unless it is an XTU submission ) Make sure that in each 2D verification screenshot you have a CPU-Z CPU and memory tab open, plus the benchmark score needs to be visible. Most Rookies always miss one of the above, so a lot of scores get moderated/reported. For the benchmarks, the usage of the OS varies. Kaby and Skylake CPUs can bench on all OSses. While older processors usually have to rely on the good old Windows7 (unless with GPUPI, X265 and XTU where Win8 or later is allowed) If something is unclear feel free to pm me. Keep it up!!
  6. Yeah no LOD or special tweaking with timespy (I found out the hard way too) ,it needs an online validation link and Futuremark doesn't accept to much driver tinkering
  7. Nice on mr America. Keith can you set more than 1.7Vcore on that board with AI suite ?
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