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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. I can't get any of these links to open, topic locked... if you need help talk to Taobao or download the content and share them via an accessible online drive plz
  2. Plz check out the rules at the front page and the included sample verification screenshot sir: Always include one CPU-Z for CPU and one for memory in 2D submissions
  3. Bench spots for the Live Qualifier at Computex First of the Online Qualifiers can pick their bench spot as first, Nr2 as second, .... CPU's will be limited to 13th Gen only at Computex CPU Core clocks limited at 6500MHz and 6000MHz uncore for the Live Qualifiers
  4. Your score got reported by another user for missing CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory.. Plz check out the rules and sample screenshot at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  5. Your score got reported by another user for missing CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory.. Plz check out the rules and sample screenshot at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  6. Your score got reported by another user for missing CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory.. Plz check out the rules and sample screenshot at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  7. Your score got reported by another user for missing CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory.. Plz check out the rules at : https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  8. Maximum 4 Processor cores, no HT. Maximum CPU and Cache frequency of 5503MHz
  9. Leeghoofd Replied: Sunday at 10:32 AM I think it would only be fair that everyone involved does not rebench CB R15 stage anymore
  10. Leeghoofd Replied: Sunday at 10:32 AM I think it would only be fair that everyone involved does not rebench CB R15 stage anymore
  11. Leeghoofd Replied: Sunday at 10:32 AM I think it would only be fair that everyone involved does not rebench CB R15 stage anymore
  12. Leeghoofd Replied: Sunday at 10:32 AM ยท IP I think it would only be fair that everyone involved does not rebench CB R15 stage anymore
  13. If people think you are you need to join the moderation Team for more fun....
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