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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Chill dude, it just the way it is, some will never see it, that there's more to it then just raw clocks... No need to get arroused, that's my job Which submissions is he referring too ?
  2. wow we get to meet the infamous Jake from Corsair too Bring RAMGUY bring RAMGUY !
  3. Plz tell us what the problem is : 1) You cannot stabilise the ram at 2400MHz and/or 2) You set 2400MHz, but the board boots at 2200MHz 3) ... I'm getting completely lost here what exactly is going on... Has something been solved or are the numerous issues starting from post 1 still present... I would switch back to the ASUS board if your current hardware runs on that... check timings and co what the ASUS sets and try them timings on the UD4H
  4. Why not block most of his scores ? Close to all are non compliant to the rules laid down here... blocking the detail settings, sometimes no ram details, then no subtest details,... He always seems to cover up stuff
  5. Christian is on his way to Denmark to lick Marc Beiers butt... I'll try to fire up the UP7 tomorrow and see what gives... EDIT: I'm on F5 bios too, my IVY runs at 4200MHz flatout, with all the speedstep and co on AUTO in the bios. Maybe it's improper SB support... Plus memory support with SB is not brilliant on this board...
  6. If you could clarify now Karl plz what he meant, we all could try to help him...
  7. Me and gamer are in PJ... plz tell us where to send you the money... Isn't everybody afraid of James Trevaskis ? Shark boy scares me too...
  8. K me and gamer booked our flight(s) We arrive on the 3rd and leave on the 10th in the evening Now we found a cheap spot ( thx to Pj ) to stay in... there's room for up to 10 persons, though there are only 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms... Total price for the entire appartment during our stay would be 1000 euros approx (for up to 5 pers). For more (10) it's about 1150 euros for the appartment But if we can get some extra roomies, the price per person will go down drastically 2 persons for the mentioned period +/- 500/person 4 persons " " +/- 250/person Anyone game ? (not gay) We have not booked yet !! Yes we are gay : Me and Gamer ( if we still have the place once we book it ) Hesitating Germans : SOF & Der8auer We will try to book it at last on friday the 8th of February...
  9. Because the updated versions of Vantage don't use the GPU Physx for the CPU score. If you look at the CPU scores most of them should be fine...
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