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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Yeah it's not there with UD5, freaking renaming sigh , it's already complicated enough edited the above post with the Giga bios name
  2. I tested our 3 teritary timings, for me tRSSR is the most important boost in bandwith performance, tRWDRDD and tWRDRDD hardly give anything 200-300MB/s Biggest influence is tRSSR. lowest usable range at 2666mhz is 4, setting 3 will give similar performance as 7 tRWDRDD sees slight gains in Read and Copy. Value 3 BSODs tWRDRDD similar to tRWDRDD increase, but can set value from 1-7 without any big losses... Are the UD3H bios and/or the UD5H's settings mixed up ?
  3. With or without engraving the boards Handled straight via ASUS NL... no RMA nrs, just loads of email traffic and no boards lol
  4. I Triple dare you !! I have a REX, REX3, Maximus IV Extreme for over a year in RMA. From which ASUS RMA dep so called repaired the REX twice, however it never booted. Now after the third visit to the RMA center it's labelled unrepairable looooooooooool. Also a way to cover warranty and let it expire My REX 3 came back from RMA, as dead as could be... CPU was watercooled, one mosfet went down, never ever came back to live: ASUS said it was repaired, yeah right... Maximus IV Extreme , no longer changed bclock : still awaiting the board, must be a darn hard RMA !!! ASUS GET YOUR RMA DEP OUT OF THAT EURO COUNTRY !!! IT's HORRIFIC
  5. That's what XMP profiles are for Vivi My point is I need to adjust manually for eg for the Flares ( as the XMP is 2000c7) I didn't get there unless I did the above settings If you do this on another board, it might work with just adjusting the main timings to eg 9-12-9-27 with the Flares, the Giga needs more work
  6. My REX only does 1333mhz ram divider over 500FSB And no it's not in the settings !
  7. Bios department needs to fix these things Steven. I'm not saying the above works for everybody, but at least my UD5H board post stable with all timings set at AUTO, just tRRD to 6 and to increase stability tRRSR to 5 manually adjusted. Fixes needed : 1) Settings read out should be correct, otherwise there's no use for the given info. 2) Just force tRRD at 6, tRSSR to 5, when selecting 2600 or higher divider and maybe remove the tRWDRDD setting in the bios. Board at least needs to be able to post at 2600 or 2666 divider. Stability is another thing. 3) And why not finally allow vcore read out again via CPU-Z and co... Imagine you are buying a high end motherboard and iddem ditto specced ram kit and the combo doesn't even post. The XMP profile boots, but voltages ( VTT and co )are mad (G.Skill thing ofcourse ) Do you agree it's not a win win situation. Who do you think will they blame in the end ? The RAM vendor or your company ? YFI on the ASUS boards we experienced bad samples too ( DLX working only with single channel, etc... ) MSI GD65 has got some issues too with high ram speeds. As always tweaking can be done manually later ( for those that feel the need to do it ) C'mon Gigabyte you can do it ! Time to fix compatibility iso aiming at efficiency
  8. Nope had it enabled and even disabled it still doesn't post further then 15, then shuts down if manual timings set ( in reference to what the bios reads out from the XMP profile ) Dimms post fine at 2666 with 11-13-13-35 2T TRFC 147 on Gene V and Sabretooth... no idea what's up with this board... up to 2400 all is okay, from 2600 divider hell breaks loose. EDIT Messed with the timings, started to compare the read outs via MemTweakit. Adjusted manually setting by setting till we got a post. tRRD, tRSSR and tWWSR are the trick ! Issue 1: board bios badly reads out the timings set by user or XMP (see RED) Issue 2: culprit to post at high speeds (+2600) is the too tight tRRD setting, needs to be at 6 to post here with the TridentX kit. Do not touch the tRWDRDD timing, leave on auto. Any value set here results in a no boot. Super Dino will fix this for sure !!!
  9. Flares back up to speed ? Will test F9d for UD5H, got some issues with the TridentX at speeds above 2400 when setting manual timings. Board only posts with XMP profile
  10. Nice CPU Brandybuck, freaking fast !!
  11. Massman for uber judge :nana: Press F1 to agree, press F2 to agree
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