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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. That's my speciality My post is not solely based on your comment in this thread... It's based on the OP and the gazillions of comments afterwards, the numerous multiple threads started on the same topic. Is this what it all boils down to : Most of you are happy with the scores, but don't agree with the points given. How I see it : you want WR points, step up. Even in your category, an even playing field with air or water is hard to achieve. Some just have better overclocking ambients, some use aftermarket coolers, waterblocks, chilled water solutions. Like Dino mentioned, each category/cooling method needs some sort of new skills and brings new challenges to push the hardware further. Try multiple GPU, heck even a single GPU or CPU on LN2, then report back... I agree with IMOG, the rankings don't fully reflect the overclocking skills and it will be close to impossible to achieve that. In eg live events you can show your skills, but as always the factor luck has to be on your side. The team ranking will for sure go through some changes in newer revisions. But it had to be adjusted as some teams got boosted by the amount of submissions with similar hardware. Don't forget lads it's all for fun and the HWBot crew is trying to make it as fair and fun possible.
  2. I think the issue is some want to have the big points, yet want to stay in the same league... Coz they rock there and might be blown away ( due to so called limited resources aka fundings, etc ) in another "higher" skilled league. My point of view : If they want the big points, then it's time to step up and join the rest of us ... if they have the skill now for maxing out air or water clocks, then they can easily master more extreme cooling too... Probably this post will start another whining chime about the costs of LN2... The enthousiast league is partly an intro to the lovely world of overclocking, as you can post eg decent scores on air/boxed cooling solutions. If you want to be in the top, it's cash out time ( it's enevitable) : maybe get an airco to cool things extra down or move to a country with chilly temperatures,... But soon you will be maxing out and want more, then it's time to move to another league... I would rather see single GPU action only in the enthousiast league (as that's one of the points of some of the thread starters, those that reached high scores with multi GPU setups. Costing an arm and a legg due to the multitude of waterblocks.) as that will reduce the cost factor by far...
  3. benching with raid is never a good idea With bios refuses to boot, you mean the board doesn't post at all ?
  4. and painfully slow at startup... messed up 2 Windows installations with that crap...
  5. Nice one, Taiwanese CPU mafia strikes hard lately with all them 7Ghz CPUs... Well done Nick !!
  7. you just happen to live in the same country as Marc Beier... too bad...
  8. so what's the use ? Why not try 6.6 or even 6.7 with 2 cores...
  9. watch out with all cores and high voltages Pascal... limit yourself to 1.85 max with all cores on... Pifast & SuperPi use 2 cores and go up Boost them Flares, 2400C8-12-8 should be possible at 1.75ish voltage...
  10. Most cpu's loose 100-200mhz with 4 cores, unless you got a good one like the big boys here...
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