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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. priming on it ? what happened, spike ? overvoltage ?
  2. I have to check that James what she dials in if only adjusting the LB. But on the Gene V, LB is THE setting to get most ram properly working at high speed. Regarding Pi and overal bandwith boost, consider it similar to the performance level we knew on X48. The tighter you can set it, the faster everything runs... Too tight and she won't post... Haven't been able to boot below 5 above +2400Mhz ASUS did some awesome stuff with the presets for each IC type. However I can't use most of the tight presets with my rams. Think some presets on the Gene V are way to tight and/or most of my rams just suck butt But it's a good start to get things dialed in faster...
  3. Greece on top... the germans will fight back though... where the fluck is HiPrO ?
  4. Will there be a Latency Boundary setting in the S7bisbeta423 GB bios Dino ? ( or is it already in there ? )
  5. Same here with the Gene V and BBSE and Flare, seems the max they want to do on air... Massman likes a challenge Dino. He will try to beat you with S4, no matter what. Then tell you next week : I told you S4 was fastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BBSE go better on TRCD PJ... 8-10-8 or 8-11-8 worked here on the Gene V with 1.83Vdimm...
  6. This score has been reported due to misleading info... 2 cores not faster then one on GB ?
  7. it's NOT allowed, clearly stated in the MVP thread... rules still need to be rewritten
  8. We got our favourite brand new and hot HWbot model showing off Roman's latest creation
  9. Normal DPI or high DPI ? Wireless or not ? Amasing to read all them tweaks here... incredible...
  10. Got some Flares for ya Luc... 2 sets arrived from the bay... 2400c8 or 2600c9 is no prob... Tried some 5ghz Pi runs yesterday, Gene V has some quirks at some speeds, cas latencies...
  11. Great to see the twins benching LN2... well done lads, at least you had more luck on that table then we had
  12. Fun to watch the reactions of the other people stuck in the traffic jam...
  13. me cries for CN
  14. Do you have pink ones too like this early test sample ? No idea why PJ removed the top though....
  15. All runs can be improved we just ran into issues with the setup, condensation and the operating system was getting borked... fun event !!
  16. You absolutely have no idea about the power struggle between Gamer, the intelligent one, and Massman aka the pretty boy
  17. Looking at the pictures something isn't right piccie 1 : why would he open the door via your exotic plant collection fence, and the Dewar seems already there ? Weird position to store a dewar... piccie 2 seems to be Gamaer walking in with the dewar iso walking out... look at the smile on his face... I smell something fishy or is it my underpants ? If your daughter can make daily some cupcakes she's welcome at my crib
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