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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Had mega fun, though the drinking part was a bit too short yesterday ! Till edition 2013 !! Thx G.Skill crew for making it all happen !! Nice to have met you all, will up piccies tomorrow...
  2. Petri is a viking pussy, we all let him win, otherwise he get's emotional And then he starts to drink (even more)....
  3. My name is Xyala and I talk to myself
  4. you look Classified in that suit Chris !!!
  5. You forgot must buy/have award Give us some piccies of the board PJ, the new heatsink design and colour scheme is super !
  6. Congratz Flank3r wel done !!
  7. It only happens in France that they herald another person instead of their own
  8. Nice one Tudor !! Is that a build in benchmark in the Batman game ? Game seems to scale tremendously wit extra cores...
  9. Not much to see here, moving on... Thinking people are getting bored with all the threads we see popping up lately... wOOOOt my 800rd post, I'll make a new thread about that...
  10. So you assume the top benchers will not rebench with this ? Nothing will change there, current scores will just become higher...
  11. I vote against, as a 2nd IGP or whatever aids the other card in setting new records... The choice in hardware components will be far more limited when this will be allowed...
  12. Maybe you need more subtiming tweaking...
  13. Even Snb-e is close to getting old lol...
  14. two nice OC demos then, better than watching SOF fail again and again at the ASUS booth... I bet Massman wil watch Fatal1ty OC his game setup 4 sure...
  15. So we seem to run around in circles : one complaining dual and more GPU's don't get enough points, now another one tells single GPUs should rewarded more and multiple setups less... each class has it's own difficulties... To me it seems some people are missing out on the fun part of benching and are mainly focussed on points points points,... Isn't the real issue to get freebies ?? In the end they get wound up by another bencher or maybe even a nOOb warehouse overclocker, that has access to more hardware then they... Well what's new ? That's life man, some will always have more toys to play with... Is that a crime ? Nope it isn't to me, it's just the way things are... and always will be... Newer rules will not change that... I agree with Dino, things are already getting pretty complex and even more of these special individual rules will make it even worse to me... New rules should make benching in general more fun, not for one person, nor country... And to be honest I'm getting a bit tired of saying how much LN2 and hardware costs each post again and again. If one can buy a +5900 SB CPU ( and we all know the price of them cherry picked CPUs), if you have access to 5.6 SB-E, sorry then budget is not an issue in my book... If I offend anyone with this post, sorry for that. But it's life, as cruel as it gets... just face it !
  16. Seems first stop for the Beier package will have to be at Cebit, seems he's not coming... darn so noone will talk to me snif snif snif...
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