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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Dino, Youngpro, Fugger, Pt1t, SF3D, Elmor and Stummerwinter... I also thought Massman was much bigger, but also a bit nervous when I first met him... and I'm always humble towards anyone !!
  2. you ran it as administrator ? (ignore if not in vista or win7)
  3. Great work lads, didn't know Vienna got disrupted by earthquakes so much shaking going on there...
  4. I really hope you were joking... have you reread what you just typed there... It's not just about the sharing hardware, it's how this beahviour influences the team, member rankings... Aren't we then back to step 1, if we just would allow it ? Team with the biggest toys and most members will rule... Skill involved, maybe for some... how on earth will you ever get a decent ranking ? Things will go bananas !! All this chit chat and new soon to be imposed rules are the result of peopel that can't adhere to a simple set of rules. Allow hardware sharing and they will just try to break another rule in the near future... To get a more balanced ranking , stick to the imposed rules and don't fraud stuff... Hence why you can share CPU, motherboard, rams and co for eg 3D, for 2D you still can share all but the CPU... but for some that isn't even enough... I'll shake your hand, you just pull my arm out
  5. Sorry mate, that for me is one of the saddest comments in this thread...really could be misinterpreted as you in fact are favouring it... Is it really There are loads of debatable scores amongst some teams... till now most are still outsmarting the Crew... though one day they will epicly fail... Damaging not only the big Greedy Ego some have, but also will hurt ya team... There's even no need to send the "golden" hardware out... scores can be shared too... Maybe only one option : the hard way or the highway ?
  6. Still don't get it how you ever got that score done Trans Am. Not with them clocks for sure... Did you downclock for screenshot purposes ? To all great job ! Let's move on to the next one
  7. It was modded al right man, but just to give you an idea how crap it is. On air we got 670/950 max stable (with a beefy cooler) Anything higher would cap out. The card was just not as good as the Giga or other brand ones... but it was fun alright !!
  8. congratz Overclock.net, awesomely done !! Our little Leadtek 1Gb card was so low on clocks compared to the XFX and Giga cards... let alone the rams on that card , just breaching 1010Mhz Just as a comparison wit the better cards out there : 675/950 was all she ever did on air (no mods)... otherwise it would cap out. Either we compromised with lower ram clocks to get the shaders over 1500Mhz... But we had mega fun during the 2 hours and a half battle... thx massie, next time we start a bit more prepared lol... or let's say pretested... see you all next time !!
  9. How about : "The Ultimate T_M trashing league" "The I beat Massman League" "The I Loved Marc Beier League" Joke aside, sounds maybe a bit too much influenced by the manufacturers... They love words like that... Anyone a good suggestion for the league names ?
  10. This thread probably has been created to enlighten the ones that suggested donating : 1) It costs a lot of money to keep this site running 2) With private fundings form the members you will NEVER be able to pay for all of that... as almost half of the voters does NOT want to pay a single dollar/euro... So how on earth do you pay a part of the costs ? Manufacturer sponsorship with banners, competitions etc...
  11. mm think we need to start a gossip thread on Hwbot then... seems some people have been busy...
  12. 10 euros here... I have 4 children, 3 wifes and a bunch of cats... I hope we get at least over 200 people that just vote here... but I think I already know the outcome...
  13. you can have 200 members but only 5 active benchers, there's the difference... Plus Pure started a deadly mix of the big shots from other teams... and they only gained in force... Maybe it's a good idea of each team to see how many real contributing members they have...
  14. You are looking at it only from your perspective, which is understandable... But try a bit more open view of things... For the hardware c'mon... think BT got most manufacturers covered Getting freebies ain't easy, let alone a dozen of GPU's, motherboards... I think the teams that have access to that are really limited, if not individuals only... Numbers, serials, receipts even videos ain't gonna cut it... you know that too. It has been tried in the passed and it failed... What are some of the goals of this rev ? To put a damper on hardware sharing. To give teams with lesser members also a chance to strive for top 10-20. My questions to you : How do you want to achieve it ? How to make OCing more attractive How to improve this REV without tearing it down without even thinking about it... ?
  15. Seems to me there's a lot of negativity within, hope you can prove me wrong... till now you and kenny seem to give it a go... for better or for worse...
  16. That's a nice twist of words... I meant : don't forget it's not all about points ! ( as you also posted it's about friendship, being part of a community ) If I read some posts : the fun factor seems to be missing for some people... it seems hardcore bussiness that doesn't allow any modifications or not even the will to try a change !! Seems it's benchteck bye bye then... I'll miss some of you... Yep, that's what I've been repeating over and over again. Judge it till we get a teaser like we did with Rev3... Think a mega snowball effect is in action... some forget to think rationally
  17. That will not correct the wrong done... I can give you 10 serials if I go to my local shop... and ask to take some snapshots... even bills... It's not only what they think, it's what both parties think !!! and how we can improve things... Sniff the fresh air, free your mind !! It's against the ten commandments of HWbot... what more reason do you want ? If you want to play the game, play it by the rules laid down ! For your pleasure here's the thing : 4. Lending hardware, hardware sharing, score sharing/selling/buying This in a delicate subject as we have to trust on the honesty of those participating at the HWbot that they are indeed using their own hardware and not sharing a golden sample CPU or VGA card. Lets start with what is allowed to be shared: everything except: - VGA may not be shared for 3D Benchmarks - CPU may not be shared for 2D Benchmarks this is one of your previous quotes Reading that, would make me believe you would give ya supercard to some team member and say bench it so we can boost the Teams score... No more morals required then !!! Rules what Rules ? I can see no reason why you even want to defend the thing we all want to get rid off... Isn't somebody in your own team , calling every XXXX motherboard the new golden egg ? is that "the" way to approach stuff ?
  18. People need to get the focus off the idea that this new REV is steered by the companies... This Rev4 is intended to correct some major flaws that have happened in the past... being it albeit a bit harsh. This ain' texactly race horses Bazx... though it might reflect it sometimes So eg by creating a rule that sort of limits the amount of hardware bought by a team will make the manufacturers benefit ? Pure logic then : As a result they will put more money into Hwbot. The latter will impose even more rules :eg buy only the cheap stuff. As a result even more money rolls in.. I don't get it... do you ? I kindda like this, even more than with the F1 OC... makes me wanna screaaaaaaaaaaam
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