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Everything posted by TaPaKaH

  1. guess ground will actually have to try now
  2. Beating the old duck's score is huge!
  3. Massive GPU clocks for just a single stage
  4. Wow, duck's record from 18 years ago was even wytiwx-proof
  5. 10700K, 13900K, 14600KF and 3700X in a single session. Scatter benching at its finest :)
  6. Goes to show how impressive Boris's score was back in the day. Took 14 years to beat.
  7. If it's my old chip - it can do 690+ so I guess you're limited by the board mainly.
  8. It's Vodka vs Red Bull. And Vodka is currently in the lead.
  9. 0 fucks were given about these CPUs for 15 years .. until they suddenly became 70-pointers
  10. Epic battle between you two!
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