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Everything posted by Samsarulz

  1. Shipping to USA might be very expensive?
  2. Thanks! Delidding+CLU helps a bit if you dont want to run zubzero. Maybe top score can be improved since top 6700 score is 1485 . Regards
  3. In my modest opionion, i7s only for 1366 is a bit more fair considering Xeon resellers/farms etc. Regards
  4. Points disabled for now? hahaha. Excellent results
  5. LATAM reality lmao. From Chile are almost the same cost
  6. Prices are negotiable?
  7. Im using lastest version of AM3 (v2.55.110). All works fine until I fill validation data at HWBot. System rejects result with following error: "No client version given, required version: 2.55.110" My system is 7700K 8800 GTS 512MB DDR4 2xGB Regards
  8. Do you have another "similar quality" 7700K to do another pack? Regards
  9. RT told me I need to put more volts, like 1.85v aprox.
  10. Even with cracks I got 6200/5500 on almost all benchmarks (CB R15-R11.5, x265, HW Prime) and 6500/6000 for 2/2 for PiFast and SPi (1m and 32m) so would like to see some improvements with no cracks! Gotta test soon
  11. According to RT I might had a TIM crack (since positive XTU temp readings), then there´s some room left
  12. This is one of the dead ones? how did you were able return to life? Good work, nice 50% GPU OC! Regards
  13. Good but wanna know the frequency haha
  14. Quote for Chile 7510040? Maybe is highly expensive, but want to know
  15. Quote me a shipping to Chile (ZIP 7510040) for whole pot kit. Regards
  16. You are a true engineer for coming with that mod hahah (highfive)!
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