I was thinking you were curious with higher voltage than that,like 1.45 for example,for enthusiast league will be a good example what you can obtain with such a low voltage chip.
Too bad he has no screens on air. I have a similar kit and i need one more but without tests now on air in which he proves the ram it's not degraded by ln2 long time use....i am afraid to buy it. And really it's impossible not to have a friend or neighbour with a ivy or haswell platform to make a quick test. My 2c.
What voltage do you need for this exact settings :
I mean is difficult to find something similar. The best are 2133 cl8 g.skill kit which is very difficult to find.
Ifyou have some which you don't need shoot a pm .
I just missed tonight asus p5e3 premium plus e8400 for 60 $ buy it now,i am dying slowly....
Ontopic,920 doesn't work on sr2 from what i know.
Le: already posted..... ,
Ma gandeam ca le-a invatat pentru vreo tarfa ,sa i le spuna mai cu spor.
"Sooge pula,fara spuma " ).
Mai stiu straini care au invatat diferite expresii,insa niunul pentru bere.
Alt exemplu:"zdrup curul " ).
@der8auer - you will be assaulted with pm' s ).
Too bad that he didn't sold also P5e3 premium,i would like one of those.
Anybody from us bought a rex ?
Happy birthday bud !
36 pieces sold and listing ended.
I hope that all of you will receive this item as it says in description. Leave a feedback here when it arrives
@dopelec & @ dominator - you welcome.
17 sold so far,brand new.