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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Have you tested the Max stable you can get on this chip ?
  2. I always asked myself ''what to do with this BIOS option'' I searched on google but no really good answers. Maybe I will have more chance here(I am sure). 1) So what is the difference between enable this option and disable it ? 2) For bench or extreme overclocking what is the best ?(enable or disbale) - for Windows XP - on a recent board ? - on an old board ? - fo Windows 7 64Bit Thank you in advance. (I always disabled it)
  3. Is your background an effective tweak ? Nice baby
  4. Under AIR. Lol, I want one(you beat my 5.4 Ghz)
  5. btw you need to do a recalc on the option tab from your profile
  6. I can understand this one, it's logic, it's the only flate place available !!! If somebody already saw one like this : (It's a fake this one I made it, but it can be possible ) you will shit brix
  7. You bought it like that or you added the sticker ?
  8. extra clear(ing ?) : Which one ? the HWBot one or the CPUvalidator one(the validation date I mean) ? not for me I haven't any AMD results that is compétitive btw not stage 1 but 6 if I remember right
  9. btw you already report the result, no need to comment the submission
  10. True, I have also some CPU that were glued to the heatsink, was hard to detach(I used a blowtorch to warm the heatsink) Maybe the sticker is an alternative to save glue (lower cost !!) or to always use rma till warranty is over
  11. What do you think guys ?
  12. Funny thing to start the year. As always I receive old/new computer to build or dismount. A guy told me to check his celeron based system : He told me that it is not working good, not very stable, crashing..... I dismounted the system(only the cpu heatsink lol). And told him, it's because the cpu was too hot aka Warranty void if removed
  13. Oups I was thinking it was for the hardware info, not for our profile Thx, and btw, very nice idea
  14. Suggestion : Add a tab on our profile where it's written hardware used, like : CPU=> i7 920, C2D e8600, P4 630.....=> Benchmarks=>(submissions) GPU=> 8800 GT 512MB, TNT2 Pro, Rage 128 Pro....=> Benchmarks=>(Submissions) Motherboard=> Socket=> Motherboard used=>(submissions)
  15. Arf, dont worry, I trust you, Just can you told me which driver you used and if you did something to get it work, cause if you see my submission, I and Dr.Swizz spent a lot of time to get it work. Then I will beat you using a Pentium 4 @ 3 ghz and overclocking the card
  16. Can you provide a screenshot with the device ID showed, please, here it's hidden. Thx
  17. Did you add the Dx6 file on the directory ?
  18. Now I can buy the advanced version, thx FM guys and HWBot community
  19. Crysis (the game) : to overclock my gaming setup to run it with full settings, and I saw that overclocking was funny so I started HWBot. Then Turrican : to overclock every hardware I can then Massman : to do some weird score, like worst score possible
  20. yeah seems 4x here too, try to edit you result, and check if it's gone, or ask some modo to move your score and also the whole list of 4x instead of 2x
  21. maybe the first submission ever with negative score ?
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