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Everything posted by speed.fastest

  1. L639G500 VID : 1.136v Ambient : 27 Celcius Delidded with Gelid GC Extreme Custom Water 3x120 Asus Maximus IX Apex LLC Lv6 5/4.5/4133 1.18v
  2. Thanks @HexaOC, @coolhand411, @Nik, @rtsurfer, @fatorthin
  3. Wow so awesome score & run! Congrats!
  4. For you all CPU binners, i had good improvement on VCore from M8G to Apex, same LLC settings, Level 6, at 5/4.5/4133 on Apex, 5/4.5/3600 on Gene. Had a good 0.6v VCore improvement from 1.27v to 1.21v
  5. Just got a new board, amazing board even on air, just my mem doesn't scale above 1.9-1.92v This is at 1.9v vdimm
  6. I dont know how this score compared to previous board you test, because screenshot missing. And did you try 48-49 6-6 or 48-49 5-5 on Apex? I didnt test that rtl/iol yet
  7. There is no way to stopped it, its some b die kit problem have and some dont, and its only happen in b-die since z170 (different post code but still slow boot.
  8. Nice result & combination! Give this man 6.7GHz 7350K
  9. I just tell you AMD Rysen result is unbelievable, Im shocked!
  10. Very nice clock! What CPU Voltage?
  11. Yes thats normal with many sticks, i have stick that if you run 12-11-11/12-12-12 at 3733 or 4000 me spi lock is appear, but nothing wrong with it, all worked fine even 32m with waza stable
  12. ME SPI Locked or something is no problem, just wait till you boot into os
  13. Chew is back, i think its good sign
  14. Just try reset CMOS sometimes can fix weird problem on B-Die.
  15. Really, its the hardest non K because of turbo
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