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Everything posted by speed.fastest

  1. Bagus hasilnya, pake liquid metal mas?
  2. Hi Rauf, its retail CPU, Hazzan never bin OEM CPU. Just FYI. I've had one same batch too
  3. Awesome CPU & Run! BTW is that heater on memory?
  4. Talking about chip i've seen Hazzan chip that did 5.5GHz R15 under EK L360 Kit 30C Ambient, and can only do 5.6GHz under LN2. He use it for 5.2GHz daily at 1.2v. But this is not the case i talk. I mean Cooling category between Water (Warm) and (Cold) is can be separated too because it can affecting a lot!
  5. I never benching at ambient <20°C. My city at all weather never went 18°C, even 22-24°C is very rare. On my 7700K im at 30°C ambient did 5.3-5.4ghz 05 and at 20°C ambient with strong Air Conditioner, can R15 at 5.3/5.4GHz, XTU 5.25ghz and 05 5.5ghz. I cant imagine if i go below 10 or 0 ambient. Thats why make 2 Water Categories : >0°C Enthusiast (Warm Water) <0°C Apprentice (Cold Water)
  6. Thats why change not chilled water cooler, but Cold Water and Warm Water. Cold Water can go to Apprentice
  7. So just disable competition for Enthusiast League can fixing it?
  8. Im even with extreme status still more times to benching on water (ambient 30C/25C Air Conditioner). What make people worried to not to change status to Apprentice? I just dont get this.
  9. What if you win ambient competition (1st, 2nd, 3rd places) automatically promoted to apprentice? I think this is pretty good way to remove cheating or other bad thing.
  10. I have hard idea, but i dont agree with this. Change the cooling section, Warm Water & Cold Water, its chiller or not doesnt matter. What matter is the temp. Still people can keep bending the rules on this. The best would be merging Apprentice & Enthusiast.
  11. So Enthusiast League is dew point League? Here dew point like 22-25 Celcius. I think it doesnt matter, Enthusiast will just go colder, merge it with Apprentice League.
  12. Lol, very nice score and chip you got there Time to grab all WR Alex
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