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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. None of my 3333 c17 sticks could run pi at 3200 c11, but I have an extra special set of 3333 c16 binned by Rambus Yang to test this weekend and am hoping to get a run in at 3200 c11 on air. In the meantime I paired my best two 3333 c17 and my best two 3200 c16 to test out F4i (favorite bios so far) and ended up here with about 15 liters. Had to run a different waza as my normal one was failing at loop 16+
  2. Killer run bully What mem are you rocking for this?
  3. Well done men, I pictured it went down something like this . . .
  4. finished the night with this: Had some faster runs that kept failing at 16 or 22 fml, moar juice on Monday but it was a nice comeback, have not benched anything in a while. Epic, let's get back to it, nothing beats lcc Allen all ready has a nice head start on us bully time to get to work
  5. Don't smash me to bad, only have a few liters left and would prefer to use them on lcc 32m
  6. forgot to add this here hope to refill on Monday and try for some moar 5G
  7. Fry's and Amazon Prime, and might as well add Microcenter to the list. All three will give you cash back within a set time frame.
  8. Well done bully I have been testing 4x2GB config as well, but always fail with waza and can only pass non waza runs on air. On cold I can't even train c6 twcl 6 with four sticks at even 2600. I have tried setting RTL's manually and no go curious to see if you can get it to work Usain
  9. looking good man Well done Captain Planet (Jake) Ted Turner would be proud
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