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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Just getting warmed up, it's been so long I forgot how to oc 3600 c11 looking mean . . . . .
  2. CRC Quick Dry, never leave home without it or an air compressor. . . . or a dehu . . . .
  3. Try F4i, it has been a solid release for me and has no issue's working with 100 strap for 3200.
  4. Expect nothing less than killer scores like this from you Bully, well done.
  5. Stable enough to finish the bench but not validate, and the same with more voltage? Seems this bench is a potatoe as you would say
  6. So much this, well done Bully The RTL is unreal, now 9-9-9 on thirds and 2860 is full retard!
  7. As Sam has said, cas 6 with twcl 6 is not possible on this ic (BBSE), but I think cas 7 with twcl 6 will be the limiting factor. Also the bottom thirds can not run 9-9-7 and only 11-11-11 on the OC Formula for me so I think in reality for BBSE to competitive you would need 2900 7-9-6-18 and even then I am not so sure it can hang with 2860 6-10-6 PSC with ultra tight thirds. Either way I can't wait to see what you do with these magical dimms
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