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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. instead of b(i)tching like everyone else, I am just going to say thanks for doing the contest again this year.
  2. Pm me I have an under the ice unit from runmc.
  3. Ahhhh where's the fun in that? The fun is figuring them out yourself
  4. Glad to see my 4000 c15 tight profile is working well As Bully said man, awesome work 4000 c15 first touch @ air is a phenomenal start, 4200 c16 or bust next
  5. Smashed trollcop by one boint. . . . priceless cutting it close, but I know you have #backupsfordaze.
  6. http://hwbot.org/submission/2988410_l0ud_sil3nc3_superpi___32m_core_i7_6700k_7min_20sec_47ms/ plz add
  7. Some air cooled softness to add to this epic thread. Samsung 4000 15-20-20-28 1.75v Hynix AFR 3600 12-17-17-28 1.65v Samsung 4133 16-21-21-28 1.65v this was an old screenie I found, woooot :clap: 40k or bust!
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