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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Had no idea you spoke Greek so fluently Gratz Sofos and Cookie, Z97 Force LN2 + MFR is a perfect match.
  2. I can't read you screen any way to get a screenshot of it and upload? As for displaying vdimm, use a multimeter and the read points as I know of no program to display vdimm on the Asrock. Your ram is definitely good and worthy of testing under LN2, looking forward to your results
  3. ahhh no trdrd 4 is why you are able to run 2700 so easily. My bin for 2666-2740 on air is: http://i.imgur.com/PHK39SQ.png very tight but it seems to yield quality kits on cold. Speaking of hypers, ran this last night on the air rig while testing Devils Canyon:
  4. I would not use the memory profiles as none of them work for me, just set it by hand and be sure to set each channel's settings individually.
  5. Silly and uninformed thing to say. Temperature plays a huge role even at 5Ghz, especially on uncore. I just tested a chip that would not boot 5Ghz 1.45v @ -20c, it ended up needing -50c to boot 5Ghz core /5Ghz uncore.
  6. Bravo Sofos! 580 is still king I can only wonder what these Samsungs can do under cold if they can run almost 3000 c9 on air!
  7. This run was not even a backup, just reran the same setup (yesterday) on a different memory pot and squeezed a whole 0.2 bclk more out of it. Memory super tight this time, almost BBSE like, but still just good old PSC
  8. Well done Hideo-san! You have forced me to start binning 4360's
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