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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Binning DDR4 while benching Massman 2048, son I NOT disappoint
  2. I have SP1 installed just not all the updates, will try IE first then another OS, oh what fun!
  3. E-Powered GTX 780 Ti Lightning? Full pot sounds incredible were you able to run this cold before the E-Power?
  4. It's ok because your sponsoring me right Jake? You know you need some of my memory magic to make those shiny new DDR4 Vengeance Pro kits fly All jokes aside not sure if I will be able to go or not, getting of off work is tough that time of the year.
  5. Un effing believable, kinda ridiculous the things that need to be done to run this benchmark. I spent 5 hours battling this on the Impact today (multiple reinstalls, XTU versions, lan install etc.. ), and the kicker I had all ready poured down, so trying to diagnose this at -100c, not so much fun Thanks for the prompt reply GENiEBEN, will give it a try tomorrow if time permits.
  6. I have tested more Hasfails, than I care to post but, there has not been one retail or ES 4770K that I have had that can't run 2666 8-12-8-28 on air on the Asrock Z87 boards. Depending on IC quality, voltages usually run from 1.87v -1.94v on most of my kits but I do run much tighter than profile on secondaries and tertiaries so it's to be expected. Timings are obviously a huge part along with IC quality and namely IOA and IOD and VCCSA. If the balance is not right between everything then nothing seems to work right. I have never tested any pentium/celeron imc's just the i3 4340 I have and it doesn't really like much more than 2666 with PSC or BBSE (air or LN2), doesn't matter. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that bclk must be pushed on non K cpu's like the 4340 and that hinders mem oc on the top end. Regardless I am going to stick to my binning method which is simple, buy the highest binned ram you can afford and then precede to test under LN2
  7. Went to fire up the Impact and 4340 with the newest version of XTU on a fresh retail W7 x64 SP1 and having the same issues as robbo2. Hooking up to the internet is not working like it usually does, so I am downloading updates. Any idea's?
  8. IMHO this is a poor way to test/bin ram because you are running such a low cache speed that mhz/timing combinations that would normally fail on a 4770K will run easily on these Pentium/Celeron IMC's (i.e. 2700+ 8-12-8-28) Steer clear of any ram binned this way or your going to have a bad time at high frequency on an i7 setup when pushing uncore/cache.
  9. Nice run! Looks like FX9590 silicone isn't too bad, especially 8c 8t.
  10. Vacation Rental by Owner http://www.vrbo.com/vacation-rentals/asia/taiwan/taipei?from-date=2014-06-01&to-date=2014-06-12 And it appears there are plenty of listings, same thing I used for the bench house in Vegas.
  11. Your right it would be much more logical for everyone to bench 4P systems, where the price of entry for a single cpu is more than the entire cost of hardware for the remaining stages. . . lol
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