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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Finally made it in, going to sleep. PM me if you would like to stop by the house.
  2. Ps almost landed in sac town has been a bunny of a day travelling, can't wait to see you guys there.
  3. Pretty spur the moment PJ, and like I said you are more than welcome to stay. Still planning . . .
  4. So delivery to your work and we can fill the little dewars there, so easy. House looks very nice for sure, glad to hear it is brand new and in a nice part of town, no crack whores wandering the corners lol
  5. $1200 a week for the above, it looks pretty sick to say the least, now I just have to find us a nice rental, to get to and from the strip, thinking a Suburban should fit the bill pretty well. Will check in to it tomorrow and let you guys know.
  6. Just rented a spot from the 6th to the 18th with two to three spots available. It's a house and located close to the strip so should be lots of fun, going to bring all my dewars and see if we can get some 230L delivered to the house PM if you are interested and I will give you a breakdown of cost, once I know how many are going.
  7. I wish, so much fail Dinbro. Have all my best posted, figured I might as well turn in my homework early since I have an early flight tomorrow. I know it's not enough but oh well, there's always next year, and this year was a blast:) Wish you guys a Merry Christmas down under and look forward to meeting you at CES dude.
  8. It's all in the timings bro Think 32M timings and you will be flying!
  9. For multi card, I think v1.05 or newer is a better option. For single card, v1.01 for inflated physics.
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