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Xtreme Addict

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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. @Hazzan We will have some fun during Computex, I am flying to Taipei so don't worry
  2. Congrats guys and have fun Well I didn't push hard, I tried like 3-4 cpus for IGP, 2 died, best IGP died before doing the proper scores. Lately I was just really unlucky with my G.skill memories, all the kits I bought were average or below average. Just like with cpus, some 6700K are golden and other are just a junk, not clocking well My G.skill 3733C17 (E die) on air are worse than 10x Patriot 3200C16 sticks (E die), my G.skill B Die are also VERY BAD, I spent too much $ on G.skill memories and got really unlucky and promised myself I won't spend $ on binning cpus for IGP which dies and kills the cpu and so on. Sadly Intel made very fragile IGP BS this time. So overall I didn't expect too much posting my scores 1 week ago and I chose a trip to China instead of benching for overlimiting live competition. Maybe next time (and I hope for better rules, no IGP, not that much LC and so on) or maybe I retire, who knows Edit: Just small edit to remove the "harsh" words and so on, so no one says I am like doing black PR or something cause it is not my intention. I am just writing "fast" translating polish slang into English and so on
  3. Current revision is good and I don't like too many changes. We had too many ranking changes over the years. Just give higher points for 3D (like the ideas of 1.25 or 1.5 multiplier) and that's all. Regarding leagues - I agree with Allen to keep 2 leagues unless there is some bulletproof wrapper for ambient/enthusiast contests with air, water or different coolings.
  4. We had some fun, time to move on and maybe close the topic? It was April Fool's prank so... I will end up this with the quotation half serious, half joke "We [XOC ocers] are like those milky cows and our grass is getting thinner and thinner :banana:"
  5. We can organize some crowd funding and I am sure we can find that pretty penny for takeover ^^
  6. Who wants to chip in with me and buy HWBOT and do it right? So it will be fun for us again
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