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Xtreme Addict

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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. I have just updated the list of available CPUs and added one more gem
  2. WTF? For past stages 1080 wasn't allowed and we had to use 980 TI despite the fact it was already launched earlier and available from all countries, always with with PRO CUP there was rule that hw had to be available before the start of competition +1 month for availability, it;'s only sold in US and EMEA region as I have in the email from sales director of Nvidia. That is utter BS. It's totally against the rules because PRO CUP started 1st, and official launch was 2nd. Despite the obvious reasons, why HWBOT wants to promote worldwide limited, nvidia exclusive card which is not designed for XOC and is ridiculously expensive? In my eyes Titan card is like "Xeon", "Opteron" CPUs, not for ocers, enthusiasts (even if some samples or models are "unclocked" or can be overclocked by some mods), more for professional usage. If you want numbers, guess who are the customers who buy the biggest amount of old Titans, Titans X and so on? Military, research centres for simulations, bitcoin farms, not gamers or enthusiasts. Easy example - Half year ago polish military research centre bought 1000 Titan X cards in one transaction and as far as I know they bought more later.
  3. All cpus are BOXED versions and come with original Intel BOX and are delidded, in 100% working condition. CPUs were binned on Asus Maximus VIII Extreme with 0015 BIOS with LoadLine calibration level 7 and using Galaxy Fish Card in 4th slot (PCIE from PCH) for 2D tests. I can give advices for Maximus VIII Extreme how to clock cpus, set proper voltages to reach the desired clocks. I attach screenshot for each CPU with FPO/SN and fully visible voltages in TurboV software and CBB information so there is not mistake done by potential buyer. Please note that boot settings in BIOS are different, full out voltages I set in OS. It's not easy to find a good CPU, according to mine calculation below 10% are even worthy to try on LN2 and than CPU might totally not scale or be fully coldbugged. Each screenshot is taken after minimum 2, mostly 3 runs in the row of benchmark. It's not a lucky run screenshot. CPUs will be cleaned before shipping from all the marker labels on IHS. LN2 BIN Real gem 1. i5 6600K @ 6600 MHz HWBOT PRIME on LN2 (fast test)/ 6560 HWBOT PRIME @ 1.9v - PENDING 2. i7 6700K @ 6500/6500 MHz HWBOT PRIME on LN2 @ 1.90v - SOLD Very strong cache, CPU can run 6500 MHz in the loop (6500 HWBOT PRIME works @ 1.9v but with higher cache frequency I pushed a little more voltage 1,91v). 3. i7 6700K @ 6435 MHz HWBOT PRIME on LN2 @ 1.9v - SOLD Cache flies around 6200 MHz, CBB is -142*C 4. i7 6700K @ 6400 MHz HWBOT PRIME on LN2, but still can do 6.3 Cinebench R15 - SOLD CPU loves low PLL Termination, very easy to bench and use, very stable, amazing CBB -175*C 5. i5 6600K @ 6400 MHz Cinebench R15 on LN2 @ around 1.8v - SOLD ( Paypal is preferred but buyer covers fees or sends as gift. Buyer is responsible for the shipping cost, in EU it's 30 Euro by for a priority package (2-3 days) by Polish Post with a tracking number and insurance, 20 Euro without insurance or 5 Euro for registered priority letter with tracking, for other outside EU - please ask for the details. Please contact me via PM or in the thread. Disclaimer: No returns accepted, I am selling privately and not business related. I also cannot provide warranty for the exact clocks cause XOC overclocking depends from too many different factors, but gladly I will help with settings if someone has some issues in reaching the clocks. If CPU dies during OCing, I can assist in getting brand new (unbinned) RMA replacement, but buyer covers shipping fees in both direction (to Poland and back). Also because CPUs were overclocked on LN2 and delidded I can't 100% guarantee that RMA will be successful.
  4. For future - please ask via PM, I missed your reply in the thread. But according to tracking you received package yesterday
  5. I know that cpu does nicely on LN2, just I am saying that this might be an obstacle for buyers ^^ so I wouldn't show it publicly
  6. 1.4v @ 4800 is a very bad bin imho, all the cpus I got from Caseking were around 1.33-1.35v @ 4.8 GHz, better don't show the box in public. With Tapakah rejects which do 1.4 @ 4.8 GHz we don't even try on ln2...
  7. just ditch this epic bunnyextraction benchmark, no point to fight with it, it should be banned long time ago with maxmem and other epic junk benchmarks
  8. What do you expect when you are running around -35*C without any voltage mods? Maybe with properly modded card and some XOC bios (which most likely will be never created) we can squeeze 100-200 MHz extra.
  9. Shippings to EU (first buyers - packages with tracking and insurance are already shipped), registered letters with tracking will be shipped saturday/monday (I had to restock bubble envelopes), shipping outside EU with difficult customs by fedex/dhl (like to Brasil - I hope Ronaldo will be happy from cpu) will ship out on tuesday after customs papers are prepared
  10. Only 2 Skylake cpus are left :banana:
  11. Time to let go few binned cpus from my private binning All cpus are BOXED versions and come with original Intel BOX and are delidded and in 100% working condition. CPUs were binned on Asus Maximus VIII Extreme with 0015 BIOS with different LoadLine calibration levels. CPUs were tested in different benchmarks so please check benchmark & frequency. I can give advices for Maximus VIII Extreme how to clock cpus, set proper voltages to reach the desired clocks. Some of CPUs in this picture are not for sell Each CPU I sell has IHS in perfect condition with all the Intel markings untouched! CPUs will be cleaned before shipping from all the black marker labels on IHS, just my system of keeping track which CPU clocks how far LN2 BIN 1. i7 6700K @ 6530 MHz HWBOT PRIME on LN2 @ around 1.91v - - SOLD 2. i7 6700K @ 6500 MHz HWBOT PRIME on LN2 @ around 1.9 -1.91v - SOLD 3. i7 6700K @ 6300 MHz Cinebench R15 on LN2 @ around 1.75v - 500 Euro. 4. i5 6600K @ 6400 MHz Cinebench R15 on LN2 @ around 1.8v - 400 Euro 5. i3 6320 @ 6320 MHz Wprime 32M/6350 MHz SPI32M on LN2 @ around 1.9v (Wprime 32M) and 1.93v (SPI32M) - SOLD 6. i3 6320 @ 6300 MHz Wprime 32M on LN2 @ around 1.9v - SOLD 7. i7 4790K @ 6150 MHz R15 on ln2 @ 1.8v - 400 Euro AIR BIN 1. i5 6600K @ 5000 MHz @ 1.46v OCCT/LinX 1H, 4.9 GHz @ 1.36v on Corsair H100i with 28*C room ambient, delided and paste replaced with liquid metal - SOLD Paypal is preferred but buyer covers fees or sends as gift. Buyer is responsible for the shipping cost, in EU it's around 15-20 Euro with insurance by Polish Post with a tracking number, for other outside EU - please ask for the details. Disclaimer: No returns accepted, I am selling privately and not business related. I also cannot provide warranty for the exact clocks cause XOC overclocking depends from too many different factors, but gladly I will help with settings if someone has some issues in reaching the clocks. If cpu dies during OCing, I can assist in getting brand new (unbinned) RMA replacement, but buyer covers shipping fees in both direction (to Poland and back). Also because CPUs were overclocked on LN2 and delidded I can't 100% guarantee that RMA will be successful.
  12. You got message on FB
  13. Game A: - 5 min? Good luck, Asus boards currently (X99 with BDWE microcode) tend to boot longer - so now instead of ocing and pushing hw to the limit (with the target score) ocers will have to keep pushing cpu let's say 5.1 GHz when it can go to 5.5 GHz easy, so instead of learning pushing hw to the limit, ocers will have to know score range at certain frequencies, used DRAM memory modules, timings and all other crap or tweaks - tbh "reach the target" is even more stupid than low clock of everything, that's my personal opinion. Pushing to the limits it's true XOC. Pushing lowclock (with proper benchmarks like SPI32M or proper platform - like small sockets for XTU which scale with memories) is tweaking skill & memory pushing and so on, there is some wisdom in it and XOC. Reaching stupid targets in case when HW can go higher is not XOC imho. - I was saying that 30 minutes it's not enough for World Tour, creating 5 minute different benchmark rounds is imho just horrible, note that OS sometimes needs some changes for specific benchmark - in theory reaching the target at "easy" frequency is eliminating cpu binning, but what about "lucky run" to get the desired score? Same frequency, same settings and 1 guy gets exact target score and other gets like 1 point less or more, just because benchmarks randomly produce different scores. Example of XTU "742" - same settings and some guys get it after 3rd run of benchmark, with Tapakah we got it after 50 tries of pressing rerun without changing a thing - again it's livestream event instead of XOC event, sorry but I can't think about many ocers who want to change benchmark each 5 minute, it's just annoying, seriously it looks like "child fun, game" event which we can play during drinking beer and laugh, not for the prizes or places in final of "big live event". I don't see any competitive ocing here - perfect example of "reach the target" or "predict the score" mess we had in MSI contest for MOA, which still I have no idea how the hell it was judged after failure of the rules :banana: - you can introduce it for air/water worldtour, makes more sense with limit of the cooling than for XOC in the worst case scenario - to be fully honest, maybe it would be better if you guys (OCTV) firstly overclocked on LN2 heavily for 1 week all day long trying to get proper scores with few platforms and than start thinking of new formats/ideas for XOC, it's not a personal attack, but seriously most of recent ideas are looking in my eyes as created by a crew without any XOC (especially) live event experience. Maybe after having some "LN2 training" some really good ideas might be introduced. Maybe worth giving a shot. Maybe I am "too old for this s***" but when I see such in my personal opinion mad idea I just want to retire in glory ^^ Honestly it's even more horrible than current format
  14. Fiesta without me? :banana:
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