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Everything posted by Crabby

  1. Are you moving to Texas? I was wondering why you asked if any of our team lived there. Also feel free to join if you like, we could always use another great ocer!
  2. Thanks, it's faster than my last sub with the same cpu speed.
  3. I got a happy birthday email 3 months late! haha
  4. Happy birthday, hope it was a good one!
  5. Happy birthday, hope its a good one! I appreciate all the hard work and time you put into this community, thank you!
  6. Bullant could host an oc contest, nice setup!
  7. Max is like a poor mans 8 pack. Just like Massman is our poor mans Tom Cruise.
  8. I've been to partys in miami with less white than that. Great speed man!
  9. Definitely the guy who came up with overclock.
  10. I just got it! So easy all you have to do is click on the cpu field and all the other fields pop up. Or click on the memory type field and it brings up all the other fields.
  11. I've been looking at most of the new subs and they don't seem to have this issue. Wonder if it has something to do with the prepopulate fields by previous submission option. See the first submission I did that day was for the Country Cup and I used the prepopulate option for all my other subs and thats when I noticed there was less boxes to add exta info in like cpu batch #. I'll go mad if I can't add cpu batch info!!!!
  12. I just noticed there are less options to add info on submit page. Even when I go back to edit my sub this is what I see.
  13. I thought we needed a SS on every submission. Right now all he has is sys pics so sure its going to reported (wasn't me btw). Erick your subs still there so until it gets yanked I wouldn't worry about it.
  14. Sorry but there is not much you can do. You still need a verification screenshot showing the the benchmark results along with cpu-z cpu/mem tab and gpu-z window.
  15. I picture a warehouse full of ram kits....
  16. Do you accept paypal? If so I would like a set please.
  17. I like the new idea but somethings wrong with the stage links. I get this on every gpu stage links. Error message: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/views/competition/competitionBenchmark.jsp (line: 116, column: 19) File "/WEB-INF/views/competition/competition.joined.popup.jsp" not found
  18. I wonder how many are going to be returned because the lack of mounting holes.
  19. Well done you put up some fat scores Dancop!
  20. I would go to Canada for hwbot but I vote for Florida hahaha.
  21. What problem are you having with cpuz?
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