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Everything posted by nachtfalke

  1. http://forum.lab501.ro/showthread.php?t=15088
  2. compressor SS is 2 HP , with 1/2hp you will be not able to bench an quad in heavy load multicore bench ...
  3. de ce nu pui SS-ul si chilleru la treaba ?
  4. compressor displacement will not help if you don´t know to do some fine tunning of other components to hold load , evaporator structure/arhitecture ...expansion valve( one or more) calculation and refrigerant amount is more important than most of builders think! , but mostly important is to add refrigerant and fine tunning the XV with cpu /gpu load , NOT load tester that 99,9% builders use! that way theyr units are so joke!
  5. this cascade can handle 12-16 core man ....a quad core for this unit is really easy job , i builded for heavy loads .. my other 7700k can do 6450 (no ht) slight 3D on this unit , also 7740x should clock higher 100-200mhz because mb improvment arhitecture and larger IHS surface area with evaporator ...
  6. unfortunately i dont build units for sale purpose! i make in the past few units for team mates that was really really insistent...to be me the builder , because i know truly how a unit need to be load tuned.
  7. today i made some quick heavy load tests .... 7920x ...my 12core load tester 1.5v cpu voltage! one Fluke ( top of psu)measure the evaporator BASE temp( ek k-typ probe are ~ 15mm deep with hole in the base of evaporator ....NOT atached ...because from drill hole to atached head sensor have you almost 8-10 degree lower temp) also other builders use to measure suction pipe outleet of evap ...that is evaporating refrigerant temp not evaporator temp ...) yes ...they want to show you only lower temp ...but results are poor! and another one Fluke is measured the CPU IHS temp , this k-type prope are atached on the HS with Arctic silver thermal adhesive 2 components! those temp from pic bellow that you see is in cine R15 load. also cpu are now delidded using BartX copper IHS and GelidE TIM , this IHS is perfectly flat and temp between cores are more apropiate than using original HS , if you have warranty on your cpu this cutom HS is best way to keep marked intact on the original HS for an eventually RMA. [/url
  8. i have work in progress an evaporator with 4 independent loop , will have 4 expansions valves 70mm x 70mm x 70mm weight ~ 1,6 kg this will be introduced in my last cascade build , witch is almost 60% ready
  9. 500-600mhz over can do on water , if cpu scalling linear should be no more than 100mhz difference from heavyload multithread bench to slighty bench. my quad core 7700k on this unit can do 5850mhz R15 , i have no 8700k at this moment to test an 6 cores , but should clock hight since the unit is build for HEDT intel platform, also this unit can hold an 16/18 core cpu with 1.45 to 1.5v regarleds my calculation , also i added an cut-off switch in liquid line , as a protection if the cooling power of this unit are overload! i found this saefty device an mandatory part when you build unit for SKL-x cpu´s ( witch can hint easy 1kw )
  10. I want to show my last SS phase unit , that i build special for skl intel HEDT platform! this unit is born around an Sanyo Rotary Compressor with ~ 40 cm³/rev and 3,3kw condenser ! over time i tested many evaporator design and i build few , after all test i found an design that work best for me and my targets! this design is above many regardles DeltaT , this evaporator is an TWIN dual loop design! it use 2 expansions valves! , weight 1070 grams! this evaporator is made by me with home made tools ! , it is an 50x 50x50mm copper ETP ( electrolytic tougt pitch) i design internal 2 loops , then i made threads to add more inside turbulance and better heat transfer with refrigerant ! bracket is orderd from BartX at my dimensions! i use as load cpu and gpu when i start my charge test and adjust metering devices! , for me dummy load tester are for nothing are much away from reality of unit cooling power! this are used by builders that in fact are not benchers! worse case scenario for an unit is with real load! that is builded for! my results speak from alone no need to enter to deep in this subject! at this time unit are not finished , need to add electrical box and wiring , as load i use 7920x and 12 core cpu. results are with cpu undelided
  11. first of all , 550w load tester is not same as 550W cpu multicore load! , the heat generate by an semiconductor is much above heat generate by an resistance ! also heat intensity reaction speed is much faster using cpu as load than a resistance! that way many units fall hold load , even builder say is tuned for 400w heatload! my all units are tested in real time !using cpu or gpu when i charge and adjust metering device! the last BartX evap was born when i start to test ( 2016)all kind of evap and design , we speak in privat and send him an pic with my troughts, he add some few and new things for this design and was born first 54mm evap , then this 65mm! before my nobody speak about DeltaT for an banal phase evap !
  12. many hwbot cascades(98%) can´t handle an Tahiti chip ... overvolted chip generates over 450W -500w ! this chip love cold , load was -103 , and max clock out for vantage was 1680mhz ,using my cascade build , but think on ln2 ( -120-to -140)should do 1750!
  13. what happed with your cpu score man? an elite guy should know that actually vantage cpu test will not scale with more than 16 cores/htt , go back in bios and chose 16core and HTT off ... push cache as hight as the cpu accept that count in vantage cpu test , in OS ..open vantage click option then feature test click disable to all 6 feature test( they don´t count at overall score) ... then you are ready to bench!
  14. bugged nature ! need to be deleted!
  15. bugged run , delete it before you got more problem , a pro overclocker should know witch run are bugged and witch not , but is not your case!
  16. if you think to LN2 cooled card , need think also to do more mods ...FB mode is not enought ! you will kick OCP and OTP on this controller , pay attention to pin10 to manipulate the ocp and pin21/22 to pass OTP!
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