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Everything posted by mllrkllr88

  1. Thanks for all the awesome comments I never tested the card cold without the power card but I gained about 35mhz testing on water. I had a really bad mount for this session, I hope next time the card will go much higher! I think it might go higher with a better pot and more Vcore. I tested 68/61 @1.85v, but would not pass at that speed. It seems there is no scaling going from 4/4 to 2/2 with this L640 CPU, so next run will be 4/4.
  2. Nice work, you are killing it with the legacy gear!! We are lucky to have you on our team
  3. Thank you!! The power delivery is great but the card is total junk. It does not deserve EPower but its the only 4870 I had and I wanted to do team cup...
  4. I got bored of XTU loops so I decided to just end it here and move on to other things.
  5. Board is sold, closing!
  6. This is a really big disappointment. I already made financial commitments to Seattle and my wife planned our summer vacations around this event. I also skipped the PA meetup because I was saving my pennies for the Seattle event. Its not only the financial loss for me, but I was really looking forward to finally attending my first event and meeting some of the people I have become friends with over the years. Not the end of the world but certainly a bummer, life goes on
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