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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. yeah i saw that you mounted that little cap on the back of the card mm i didnt now 80+ asic means 1700+mhz gpu but i will search for this later. congrats here too, you dropped the bomb :clap:
  2. i had a 2nd place aaaand its gone
  3. here it comes the last 2 hours. show us your backups !
  4. tried that too. the problem was with the cores actually as they sucked anyway with the copper plate you have to be really careful to have a good mount you have a badass card. i would give my half arm for a 1600mhz benchable one --
  5. not as easy when you have to keep warranty
  6. 1300/1850 is the max of this. 1310/1850 passes but lower score, or freeze just at the end now onto the 2k11 just for fun. that bench is absolutely RAM mhz limited ...
  7. only 5-6 of them was under ln2 but all sucked. because of that little shim over the gpu or just bad contact or just they were bad clockers. now i have a rented cpu from INTEL which is my best one ( 6.7 valid ) and bought a good PSC kit ( 2600 c8 32m ) and now this card seems good with 1300/ 1850+ heaven im maxin her out right now
  8. ouch, that sucks ..... I had no luck with those 7970 cards. I tested about 20+ till now and found a decent one on air just some days ago lol. on ln2 we tested about 5-6 cards, no one could do 1500+ .. 2 lightnings neither
  9. wo wo wo. so STAGE winners will win the prizes, but the overall winner gets nothing ?
  10. maybe it was a bit too though reaction from me, after a shitty day maybe its acceptable. the previous tube lasted only for one session, in which we used it on 5-6 cpu-s, than twice at home and it was gone, and i was a bit pissed of because it is expensive. im over it so topic can be closed. subaru
  11. you have to use a cpu which have 2 cores stock. i7 920 has 4 so its out of the game.
  12. tRRDR to 2 solved the issue with 32m just after i posted this. still failed in loop 20th at 1270 c8 shit ..
  13. any tips what im fluckin up ? http://prohardver.hu/dl/upc/2013-01/91661_anytips.jpg
  14. no noticable gain in heaven. maybe 30-40points.
  15. these are my 2400 c11 ( samsung ? ) ADATA sticks, with F3 bios 2900 + http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2646608 I have a bclk wall at 104.2-5 with high ram clocks Oo
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