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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. this is tesselation ON man. K|ngp|n is just this super efficient
  2. 70k graphics score with a single gtx 680? cmon ..
  3. i think i have the same type of ram but it cannot achieve such freq/tmings. how much vdimm ? nice result with a strong cpu anyway.
  4. L223C207 #2306 6533 valid 2c/2t http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2494083
  5. so low 3d perf maybe not bios related. I've tested an mve some days ago and it gave me a bad 3d performance ( 230fps 3d05 gt3 at 6.3ghz cpu with gtx 580 .. ) low score in 3d06 etc. I had some serious problems with board not giving signal to the monitor after an hour or two under subzero.. strange
  6. L223C207 # 2306 6.5gig 2c/2t valid 1.93v http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2494083 6.48 pifast , 6.30 + 3d
  7. when you start hating the icon of any benchmark..
  8. have you checked your coldbug above 105bclk as it should ? on topic 3770K L223C207 #1 - 5ghz 4c/8t 1.392v / #2 1.344v testing it on ln2 on wednesday
  9. a 24 hour long bench session material for the team cup. im tired ..
  10. management engine driver installed ?
  11. found the result in a folder called dustbin ? lol
  12. yeah, seems like a bit like the score jumping in maxmem because of bugged latency I got the jump, when booting at so 1866 7-9-8 etc etc with 4200mhz cpu run the latency test once, than raise the cpu freq to 4600mhz, then rerun, it gave me 26+ instead of 22.598 which was standard. but another run on 4.6gig gave only 22.598 again. sorted out, this single sandforce ssd is slow for hdd tests alone, so trying to figure out web page and text edit, but only minor improvement, lets say so 41+ at 4.9gig and 390 text edit which is far off from hard tweaked results.. audio compression still off
  13. Its an oem cpu without warranty, and i already pull her apart. looks nasty. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/420067_513883338629028_519991228_n.jpg
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