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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. maybe that is the reason, but im not really sure, +200pts will come only from changing to slot 1 orange to slot 2 black, but who cares, i will try that out. thanks for the heads up !
  2. no need for comment. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/393129_583008511716510_589742242_n.jpg ..
  3. thats all I got man. no affinity to run full ln2 setup.
  4. how the fluck im behind 200pts clock to clock in dx11 heaven to another 7970 guys ? me : 1290 / 1800 - 12.11 beta 8 driver tess OFF - 3200pts another guy : 1250 / 1780 - 12.11 beta 8 driver tess off i think - 3400 points ... cpu is the same only difference is mobo which is up5th-cf vs up7 ( me )
  5. cpu kaput lol maybe they have shitty IHS's and thats why you cant apply more than 1.85v with sensible scaling. my better ES stops scaling at 1.87v because its ultra high leakage. lapping the IHS gave me 120mhz on top ( 6.61 vs 6.73ghz )
  6. well, then there is an option to change that thanks for the help ! 2600 8-11-8 will be a though run .. 1.83v is surely not enough, haven't tested more vdimm yet. Don't want to kill them on the first day. Will test it tomorrow anyway 2200 7 11 7 and 2600 8 12 8 is doable neither 2400 c7 nor 2600 trcd 11 ..
  7. as i see there is no such an option to change twcl manually in this bios. cl8 is the way for this kit, c7 is not working high enough. or im just a lame.
  8. nah, I threw out that trident kit, I had a feeling that is was a poor clocker bbse ( only 1 of 3 was capable above 2400mhz with loose timings ) so I bought a good PSC kit from a friend of mine. slew rate 2 , bios F5o , primaries set manually, 2nd - 3rd are auto, vdimm 1.75v http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2643722 now testing cas 7 and then full spi 32m runs.
  9. 6970mhz 4cores, shit ! 1350 c7 shit ! awesome !
  10. thanks for trying to help me out Zen ! so. started to test the sticks one by one. first impression is that xmp profile is totally useless, even the rated freq is not working with it enabled. with xmp off the case is a bit better but only 2310mhz c11 boot with black or orange slots its similar. with f5o bios i managed to get them to boot at 24x multi, and now currently running 2500 c10 1m stable with 1.825v vtt vcsa 1.15v. now clocking them more and then try to tighten timings. F5o bios is strange still, sometimes it just sets everything on auto after a normal reboot lol
  11. they can do this with x79 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2405222 i know its nothing special in timings wise but at least they can reach 2600mhz. maybe i should just throw them out .. were 2400+ 9 11 9 stable on x79 too. never got the chance to test them with ivy yet. will give them another spin then there will be a kit for sale ..
  12. yeah its clear to me, but back in the topic ( or in another ) there are similar results with BBSE so my question is still on.
  13. you guys killing me with those 2600 c8 bbse results. I have a trident 2k c9 kit confirmed BBSE from the S/N number and I can't get it to work even at 2400 c10 lol. any hints on bbse clocking with this board ? f3xoc bios is good for ln2, stable and with the black slots i can clock my samsung sticks over 2700mhz. F5o is a bit better for mem clocking and has more settings ( slew rate ) but if it crashes once, then I need to reflash to get it work again...
  14. Hi. I tried but the 2nd-3rd timings are really loose to get that frequency and i got not exact in round errors with 6500cpu and 2600+ mems and slower time ..
  15. thanks for your reply. ( and proving that im a lame )
  16. hi and you raised or lowered ddr pwm freq ? I managed to reach 2790mhz with my 2400 c11 ADATA sticks, and I think I could squeze more out of them but raising trrd and trtp even more dont help. More volts either. Or maybe its the limit of the IMC ? post code is reaching 4f then 69 or something similar then a reboot and stuck at 15 for a long time then shutdown. anyway oc touch buttons dont work regardless of bios setting. Do i need anything special to get them to work ? ( ratio buttons did work, bclk ones never )
  17. so i can only use bclk and multi limited cheap processors in stage 2. wonderful. I though i can bench every stage with one setup once in a lifetime ...
  18. im really interested in that non public bios you using ...
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