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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. 680 is weak in vantage. give it a higher clocked cpu and you could get well over 45k http://hwbot.org/submission/2322067_
  2. great scores !
  3. great eff! my own dream is this vantage p80k congrats !
  4. score used to be a multi card overall wr some years ago lol. nice one !
  5. real nice. these lightnings are out of 680's league. I haven't got a permission to test it under ln2 yesterday
  6. nice, how much vgpu u used ?
  7. Hi there. Two days ago I received a sample to test with, here is the result. This card is my love http://prohardver.hu/dl/upc/2012-10/91661_13008_ph.jpg
  8. is the non coldslow bios better ? why use that?
  9. 6.6ghz cpu is terrible .. lol everything is relative with a 6.65ghz chip I could be the king in Hungary in every aspect except vantage and 11 .... so please give me one terrible 6.7ghz chip, thanks
  10. why im not playing lottery... another PRO oc'er from nowhere, Again HKPEC, again cheating. isn't it booring for you guys ? ( from the team itself )
  11. so much win !
  12. okay then teach us great master ! .. this is still ridicoulos. i agree you helped me a bit when i asked but now its sounds similar to " you can get a boost if you know where to find it " . in one word : useless. its good to know that some people ( may ) know some supa dupa wprime tweak but this leads us nowhere. lets revolutionize wprime, and i will take off my hat for you
  13. this is just wrong in so many ways. Im not one of those BIG players, but cannot really understand with my tiny little stupid brain, why this bla bla bla worth it. I mean, somebody with access to the best hardware on the planet gets into something like this cheating crap. supa dupa pifast tweak from nowhere, memory settings suddenly boosts wprime. just ridicoulos........
  14. 628k text edit. yeah i get it lol .--
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