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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. saw the same got the instuction, to simply wait. every other stage's limitations are good, the only one i could submit score into right now is wrong great
  2. http://hwbot.org/competition/team_cup_2012_sc1/stage/614_geforce_500_series/ here MR! at the "limitations " part. Tried but cannot submit a result with gtx 580 vga. Thanks in advance !
  3. im sorry but dafuq is manufacturer 186.- ???
  4. well well, 3770k seems to pull out a real good phsyx score .. clap is this driver faster for u then the 8.950.5 ? great result man !
  5. great score! memory is crap ? i realized 06 is pretty heavy on vmem. i can bench my gtx 580 with 1300 + ram in light benches, but in 06 even 1250 freezes ..
  6. atomic score man ! keep pushing, i know u have 1700mhz backup i will get some popcorn and cola and watch this
  7. and 1670mhz is possible with it LOOOL. I have one of those. Not exactly manufactured by EK just a simple copper plate. Inserted between the pot and the gpu and the heat transfer was great but the card had a coldbug at -5°C...
  8. great score how do u attach the vga pot with the original shim still on the card ?
  9. whats needed is a proper cpu and 50k is a piece of cake great as always pro !
  10. 6.5 ivy , inspector tweak, and score is done ? awfully close to 145k congrats man !
  11. can u please bin me a 6500 32m 3570K ?
  12. 5800mhz ivy and 1k gtx 680 - only 105k? seems there is something wrong man.
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