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Everything posted by Luumi

  1. Why? The EVGA P55 Classy is strong. Mem wise I was first messing around with the BBSE at 2600-2700 CL8 but the real gains are actually surprisingly small.
  2. The CPU can't run good frequency on cold anymore. Ambient is same.
  3. Fastest Yorkfield @TaPaKaH @d0minat0r@Don_Dan
  4. Video Up! @TaPaKaH @TAGG @yosarianilives @unityofsaints
  5. Looking for the original Triple point memory pot made by SF3D and Ryba. The original heatsinks with screws and everything would be nice but mainly the pot is what I need.
  6. Both sold.
  7. The IMC is not very strong on this one. I was in OS at 2600++ 6-10-6.
  8. Up for sale 2 13th Gen CPUs. 1. Core i9 13900K Retail CPU with best IMC i've had this far among these chips. Can do DDR5-8750 test stable on ambient cooling and 8400+ HCI stable. The same chip which I used for my latest DDR5 videos like the Predator and Corsair sticks. Price 550€ + shipping 2. Core i3 13100F Just very basic 13100F which I bought for fancy testing. Retail as well. Price: 90€ + shipping Shipping worldwide but EU is obviously a bit cheaper.
  9. I was close on sub 10 min, but then CPU started having issues again. For some reason it didn't wanna run on my first board.
  10. Latest Eleet X1 for EVGA Dark motherboards. https://www.evga.com/EVGA/GeneralDownloading.aspx?file=EVGA EleetX1_1.0.16.0.zip&survey= Process lasso for realtime etc: https://dl.bitsum.com/files/processlassosetup64.exe Wahaha.exe: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7i8cizibbrozf5j/Wahaha!.exe?dl=0 OCX SPi Tweaker https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/p68jrqznujbphmqae8lhi/h?dl=0&rlkey=n7js72ga91zlygvdc6wje2693
  11. Nope, temperature only -144c. Video up! @Leeghoofd @TaPaKaH @unityofsaints
  12. Z790 DARK KINGPIN BIOS 1.13. Helps with non-K CPU and maybe a bit on max memory frequency. https://cdn.evga.com/bios/Z790/E799_flashtool_113.zip
  13. Looking for one of such CPU as I currently have only ES. Can be either a K, KF or even KS but with circle on the IHS. With shipping to Finland.
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