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Everything posted by HiVizMan

  1. I knew you would take the World Record my friend. Well done.
  2. We compete by choice. And compete is the key concept here. We are in competition. Any sport that you compete in requires effort, dedication, access to resources and from time to time plain good luck to reach the top. Is it fair that all CPU's are not equal, is it fair that some folks have more money than others to bin hardware, is it fair that LN2 costs more in one country than another, is if fair that some people have the time to bench? Possibly not, but so what. You compete because you want to. You compete because you can. Who you compete against is up to you. Where you compete is also up to you. HWBOT is the only game in town right now. So here is where we play. The rules are applied to all equally. The rules do change from time to time, hopefully for the better and like them or not they are the rules we are playing to. But ultimately it is a personal choice to compete. Who do you compete against? Me I compete against my personal best score in each benchmark. That is enough for me. Do I think that the current points system is the best there is, NO. For example, how is it possible to get 59 global points when only one or two others have benched similar hardware is nuts in my view. But that is the rules. And until the rules change that is the way it is. Look to yourself for your true competition, and to others for what to aspire too.
  3. Change is inevitable in all things, nothing can stay the same so why should forums be any different I guess. But yes HOT was iconic and I agree it is sad.
  4. That is some really nice efficiency there SoF well benched. Bravo
  5. Congratulations to all those who participated and made it fun. Like the format, and look forward to seeing more. Multi platform contests like this one was.
  6. MM you drive me nuts I deleted the score and tossed it.
  7. ES is bad? Darn I read this whole thread and saw people asking but no answer and the exclusions did not say no ES. Any official clarification on this one.
  8. And I too have this problem. Now my name is debauer or something like that.
  9. You have been a busy boy Kenny - all work and no play, time to go looking for some yellow stockings mate. Well done on all of them. Not just this one. :thumbs:
  10. Most probably will not scale well at all with cold then. According to the GPUz thing it is a 1175 card. Seems they are the crap ones. Oh well such is life.
  11. You live my life????
  12. Ollie now I need to find the ONE cpu to rule them all. :D Thanks guys yeah it has been 6 months away from benching - work and life will do that to one I guess. And yes Dave I am busy prepping for Cambridge LN2 meet. So far so good. Must say it is weird trying to run 03 in Win7 64bit in place of my old friend XP. It is like I need to relearn how to tweak this benchmark again. And it was my favourite bench with AMD cards - with XP. Kinda nice at one level and kinda frustrating at another. But frustrating and benching sort of do go together.
  13. No cold slow issue now thankfully the flash sorted that out. Just strange that it would not flash for us - ran a couple of benchmarks at -170 just to make sure BTW. No problems at all. Just hope the card clocks
  14. No idea Ollie the darn card would just not flash at the meet. Kept getting eeprom errors. All I did was try different nvflash versions till I found one that would flash the card. So lets hope it lasts the night.
  15. Why you pushing so hard for this bench mate? Give it a rest, the HWBot lads are kinda busy with Rev4. Or is it the Vendors who are on you case? Sure sounds like it.
  16. As long as no team member from my team/forum is obliged to delete a result to better the team total I am happy. It therefore seems that #3 is the way to go.
  17. Can't ask for more. Thank you.
  18. Sam I think it is because EVGA want the benchmark included for some marketing reason and told their boy to get it done.
  19. Thank you.
  20. me neither Google Chrome here.
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