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Everything posted by max1024

  1. Kojima45 for ROUND 4 all is in description 478+479, think we are going to dispute about future competition.
  2. It is also good aidea for new OLD SCHOOL SEASONs.
  3. Antinomy It is impossible to buy all adapters in the World They are enough for everyone. Just look Ebay-Every Day LOL (joke)
  4. I'm completely agree with Marquzz If overclocker does not have some hardware, he must buy it or find alternative way as Socket 478 is to be. For me was a trouble find good motherboard on S423 and there is no any alternatives in 2-d Stage, so in this way it is not difficult to find S479 or S478 boards and cpu's. And of course true HW addict must have a lot of specific adapters, special versions of boards, & etc special stuff, because he knew about them and know how to find them.
  5. Can I rigth understand that allowed: all S-478 P-4 cpu's, and S-479 cpu's with Banias and Dothan core?
  6. Ok, I have make a save file, but where it upload? Try manually make a submission and see - "your submission is incorrect" ? http://hwbot.org/submission/3119578_
  7. Is it necessary on-line validation of Maxxmem ? If yes I have a problem, I have no internet where is my Socket423 PC, and also have no any lan card. Is it possible make validation via screenshot ???
  8. Great! Seasonic is number #1 in PSU development =)
  9. Havli is it SGRAM or SDRAM on the VC? How many ns? Can't see it on your photo.
  10. First test - first place, very good )) TNT2 Ultra is great VC!
  11. Massman think you overclock this code issue and will find all bugs And about prizes, it is unnecessary old-school prizes, if for example if G.Skill or smth else will be official sponsor of this Competition, modern RAM or another HW stuff bill be good for prizes.
  12. Good News )) How many rounds planned to be in the second Season? And what about calculating winning points? separately for each round or for Whole Season? Think that for the whole season will be better, interesting and more passion. Also old HW prizes is welcomed
  13. VCore 3.6V I set in BIOS. What does it mean "keychanger"? I'm do not understand mean of your phrase :0 Sorry for my english. P.s Mogilev is a city where I'm from.
  14. Press right button "recalculate pionts"
  15. It is very important for small countries and as result small person Teams. It is not good idea that one person can submit score once. It will make to bench for one person some results and give it's own results to other person in Team, it's now good way I think.
  16. About calculating win places. In Round One each round was individual for win places. It is not interesting, it will be better to sum all points for 5-th stages and at the end of the 5-th stage make calculation of middle place points. Sum all points for 5 stages / divided to 5 stages and result will be absolute win place. Also it will be interesting what will be a prize retro Fund with interesting retro HW.
  17. I'm interesting in, preliminary, what part of year or month Old school Season-2 competition to plan starts?
  18. When the list of tasks will be known? I see 5 stages http://hwbot.org/competition/country_cup_2015/ but without details.
  19. It is very, very bad idea. And here's why. At the time, the person was respected, earned a millions of points, but he grew up, family, children. Why should we forget his contribution to the Team? And if in its place are you going? After 5 to 7 years. So completely lost motivation. Knowing that all your achievements will be forgotten in the future, why bother to do something now? It would be better to direct energy to the prize pool for all OC-Esports competition.
  20. The main trouble in this is in averaging results. It is loses individuality of person and stand on the first place Team that is not a right. Underlying all must first be a specific person - overclocker, even if that one person is the Team.
  21. New system is not interesting at all. Our small Belarus OC Team got 5-th place on Team CUP 2015. Our team is very small, active overclockers is about 7 people, one man like old retro HW, one modern, and one mobile devices and so on. If I'm right undertand, new team rating will be calculated as middle value for one HW devided by all persons in team. But for example: people A have cpu A, people B do not have cpu A because it is not interesting to it, he prefer old HW or mobile HW. In result team ranking for A cpu will be result people A devided by all persons in team. Think it is illogically and do not right at all different people likes different HW, and one can it offer another is not. New ranking like middle temperature in clinic, one people with pneumonia is about +40 another is -20 in mortuary. But in generally they are both healthy and have +36.6C
  22. Who knows when will sum up this competition results?
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